class %Library.CacheCollection extends %Library.CacheObject
Collection specific property superclass, for internal use onlyMethod Inventory
- BuildValueArray()
- CollectionToDisplay()
- CollectionToOdbc()
- DisplayToCollection()
- GetSwizzled()
- NewObject()
- OdbcToCollection()
- Set()
ACCESSPOLICY defines how collection is fetched to the client application.
EAGER: The whole collection is fetched no later than it is first accessed by application in any manner.
If collection contains object values then objects are opened and instantiated in application memory.
For applications using POJO mode this means that application can use this collection even if it has
been disconnected from the server afterwards. Value EAGER is a requirement, meaning that if it is
specified then EAGER policy always be employed.
LAZY: Values in collection can be fetched as they are requested by the application, e.g. when methods get()
or Iterator.next() are invoked. Value LAZY is a hint meaning that if it is specified it tells that LAZY
policy may be used for this collection but does not guarantee that it is used. In case LAZY fetching is
used collection may become invalid when application disconnected from the server.
parameter CollectionDisplayDelimiter = $C(13,10);
parameter CollectionOdbcDelimiter = ",";
SQLPROJECTION is the way this collection will be projected to SQL - either as a simple
COLUMN or as a child TABLE. This is currently supported *only* for MVENABLED classes, except
for an array collection when you specify 'both' which will project both as a child table
and as a column.
SQLTABLENAME is the name of the projected child table for this collection. If
the collection is not projected as a child table (refer to SQLPROJECTION) then
this parameter is ignored.
STORAGEDEFAULT is the type of storage used for the collection if it is not already
allocated in a DATA definition in the active STORAGE definition. LIST collections
default to list storage and ARRAY collections default to array storage (SUBNODE structure).
Converts the serial state of this list object to a delimited string
using the value of the %delim argument as a delimiter.
Converts the serial state of this list object to a delimited string
using "," as a delimiter.
Converts the value of an incoming delimited string to a serialized state
using the value of the delim argument as a delimiter.
method GetSwizzled(noswizzle As %Library.Boolean = 0) as %RegisteredObject
Returns an oref, performing swizzling if necessary it returns "" ($$$NULLOREF) if there is no oref and the id=""
method NewObject() as %ObjectHandle
Inherited description: Creates a new object for the referenced property
Converts the value of an incoming delimited string to a serialized state
using "," as a delimiter.
method Set(newvalue As %CacheString) as %Status
Set the property to an oref value if the new oref is different from an old oref, the old object is closed |