datatype class %Library.InformixTimeStamp extends %Library.DataType
The %Library.InformixTimeStamp data type class represents a time stamp value.The logical value of the %Library.InformixTimeStamp data type is in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn
Method Inventory
parameter LARGEQUAL;
The %Library.InformixTimeStamp data type is composed of a contiguous sequence of fields that represents
each component of time you want to record and uses the following syntax:
DATETIME largest_qualifier TO smallest_qualifier
The largest_qualifier and smallest_qualifier can be any one of the fields:
Qualifier Field Valid Entries
YEAR A year numbered from 1 to 9,999 (A.D.)
MONTH A month numbered from 1 to 12
DAY A day numbered from 1 to 31, as appropriate to the month
HOUR An hour numbered from 0 (midnight) to 23
MINUTE A minute numbered from 0 to 59
SECOND A second numbered from 0 to 59
FRACTION A decimal fraction of a second with up to 5 digits of precision.
The default precision is 3 digits (a thousandth of a second).
Other precisions are indicated explicitly by writing FRACTION(n), where n is the desired number of digits from 1 to 5. .
parameter SMALLQUAL;
parameter XMLTIMEZONE = UTC;
XMLTIMEZONE specifies the handling of timezone part of the XML format dateTime.
"UTC" means convert to UTC on input. "IGNORE means ignore the timezone.
parameter XSDTYPE = dateTime;
Declares the XSD type used when projecting XML Schemas.
classmethod IsValid(%val As %CacheString) as %Status
Tests if the logical value %val, which represents an Informix Timestamp
value in
format, is valid.
Valid formats include:
- TimeStamp value in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS[.nnnnn]
- Integer value that represents +$Horolog, will be converted to the date portion of the Informix TimeStamp value
- Time value of the form HH:MM:SS[.nnnnn], will default the date portion of the Informix Timestamp to today's date
- Date value in the format YYYY-MM-DD, , will be converted to the date portion of the Informix TimeStamp value
classmethod LogicalToXSD(%val As %TimeStamp) as %String
Converts the Cache %TimeStamp value to the canonical SOAP encoded value.
classmethod Normalize(%val As %CacheString) as %TimeStamp
Transforms integer values into timestamp.
classmethod XSDToLogical(%val As %String) as %TimeStamp
Converts the SOAP encoded input dateTime value into a Cache %TimeStamp value.