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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

For information on migrating to InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab, see Why Migrate to InterSystems IRIS?


class EnsLib.Workflow.UI.ItemDetailPane extends %CSP.Util.Pane

An AutoPage pane that displays details for a Workflow Item

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
Use our own domain for localization


method DrawBODY(pInstance As %CSP.Util.PageInstance) as %Status
Draw the BODY of the detail pane
method DrawHEAD(pInstance As %CSP.Util.PageInstance) as %Status
Inherited description: Overwritten by subclasses to draw anything this pane needs for the HEAD section.
method ProcessSubmit(pAction As %String, pItemId As %String, pUserName As %String, ByRef pShowItem As %Boolean, ByRef pMsg As %String, ByRef pRefresh As %Boolean) as %Status
Submit handler for this page
method ShowDetails(pItem As EnsLib.Workflow.Worklist, pState As %String) as %Status
Show details for this worklist item
method ShowForm(pItem As EnsLib.Workflow.Worklist, pState As %String) as %Status
Show form for this worklist item

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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