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class ZENTest.FinderPaneTest extends

ZENTest.FinderPaneTest Test page for the Zen Finder Pane component.

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATION = ZENTest.TestApplication;
Class name of application this page belongs to.
parameter DOMAIN = ZENTEST;
Domain used for localization.
parameter PAGENAME = FinderPane Test;
Displayed name of this page.


method GetFinderArray(ByRef pParameters, Output pMetaData, Output pData) as %Status
Provide the source data (as an array) that will drive the finder.
clientmethod drawDetails(item) [ Language = javascript ]
Provide HTML for details on selected item in finder.
clientmethod drawEmptyFinder(item) [ Language = javascript ]
Provide HTML for empty finder.
clientmethod itemSelected(item) [ Language = javascript ]
Item selected within the Finder.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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