InterSystems Legacy Documentation Collection
This archive contains content that either is deprecated or has been superseded.
- The selections available in the archive result from past requests for certain information. Items may be added or removed without notice.
- This material is offered on an “as is” basis. Beyond making the material accessible online, no other editing of the text has occurred.
- InterSystems offers no assurances regarding the completeness or accuracy of the archive, its coverage, or currency; and none should be inferred.
- If the archive content conflicts with current documentation, it is likely that the archive content is outdated and describes functionality that has been updated or superseded.
The current archive contents are:
- Legacy FHIR Support in InterSystems IRIS for Health, Version 2019.4.
- Legacy FHIR Support in HealthShare Health Connect, Version 2019.1.
- DeepSee-1 (also referred to as DeepSee 1, DeepSee-I, or DeepSee I) documentation set as of Version 2011.1, including:
- Overview of DeepSee-1
- DeepSee-1 Model Design Guide
- DeepSee-1 Developer Tutorial
- Using the DeepSee-1 Connector
- Using the DeepSee-1 Architect
- Using the DeepSee-1 Analyzer
- Using the DeepSee-1 Dashboard Designer
- DeepSee-1 Site Configuration and Maintenance Guide
- Expressions and Scripts in DeepSee-1
- DeepSee-1 User Guide
Note that the DeepSee product described in this content is the precursor of and differs from the DeepSee product that is part of the Caché 2011.1 release and subsequent versions, even though the two share the same name. Hence, this product is referred to as “DeepSee-1,” even though its manuals are labeled simply as “DeepSee.”
- Caché ObjectScript $ZUTIL Reference, Version 2010.1.
- New Locations of Caché 5.0 Advanced Configuration Settings, Version 2008.2.
- Using the Caché ^%R Routine, Version 2008.1.
- Caché Programming Guide, Version 4.1: Chapter 9: Additional Routine Utilities. This contains information on:
- %RI, %RIMF
- %RO, %ROMF
- Caché Programming Guide, Version 4.1: Chapter10: Additional Global Utilities. This includes information on:
- %G
- %GD
- Caché Programming Guide, Version 4.1: Chapter 11: Date, Time, and Numeric Utilities. This includes information on:
- Date functionality: %D, %DAT (variable), %DATE (includingsliding window support), %DO, %DS (variable)
- Time functionality: %T, %TI, %TIME, and %TO
- %NLS and locales
- Numeric functionality: %DOCTAL, %DX, %OD, %SQROOT, and %XD
- Caché Programming Guide, Version 4.1: Chapter12: Additional Programmer Utilities. This includes information on:
- %CD
- %DIR
- %NSP
- Caché Programming Guide, Version 4.1: AppendixA: Routine Development in Programmer Mode.
- Caché Programming Guide, Version 4.1: AppendixC: Physical Storage of Globals and Collation.
- Object Utility Library Reference (^%apiOBJ routines), Version 3.1.
- Caché Programming Guide, Version 2.1: Chapter9: Routine Debugging. This includes information on %ETN and %ERN.
- F-DBMS Release Notes:
- WebLink 4.2 documentation:
- Open M with SQL Data Dictionary Guide for F.10.
- Open M/SQL Developer Guide for F.6 and F.7.