Transforming Data
HealthShare Message Transformation Services can transform a subset of the message types defined in the HL7 Messaging Standard Version 2.5.1 (HL7v2) into FHIR R4 resources. To initiate a transformation, you provide the services with messages of supported types in character-delimited files. Each file may contain one or more messages and may have any extension.
The following sections describe the supported message types, how to initiate a transformation in more detail, and where to review the mapping between the input and output.
HL7 Message Validation and Transformation
HealthShare Message Transformation Services utilize the capabilities of other InterSystems technologies to validate HL7 messages.
The services ingest the HL7 message (located in an Amazon S3 bucket) using an S3 adapter. HealthShare Message Transformation Services then review MSH.9, the Message Type Field, and apply a schema for HL7 version 2.5.1. This allows the services to create an HL7 virtual document and perform the data transformation upon that virtual document, outputting FHIR R4 resources.
“Unsupported HL7 Segments and Fields” describes how HealthShare Message Transformation Services handles unsupported fields and segments. If the services are unable to parse an HL7 message, they write to the error log describing how the mapping failed; View the Error Logs describes how to review this information.
For more details about how HealthShare Message Transformation Services performs this transformation, see Routing HL7 Version 2 Messages in ProductionsOpens in a new tab and Data Transformations in InterSystems Healthcare ProductsOpens in a new tab.
Supported HL7 Version 2 Message Types
The HL7 version 2 standard defines a range of message types and trigger events. A message type specifies the type of information contained in an HL7v2 message and is represented by a three-letter code. For example, the code ADT is used for admit, discharge, and transfer messages. A trigger event is a real-world event that triggers the transmission of a message and is represented by a three-digit alphanumeric code appended to a message type code. For example, the code ADT-A01 is used for patient admit messages, while the code ADT-A02 is used for patient transfer messages.
HealthShare Message Transformation Services can transform a subset of the message types and trigger events defined by the HL7v2 standard. “Unsupported HL7 Segments and Fields” describes how unsupported message types are handled.
The services can transform the following messages:
ADT_A01, ADT_A02, ADT_A03, ADT_A04, ADT_A05, ADT_A06, ADT_A07, ADT_A08, ADT_A09, ADT_A10, ADT_A11, ADT_A12, ADT_A13, ADT_A14, ADT_A16, ADT_A17, ADT_A18, ADT_A22, ADT_A23, ADT_A25, ADT_A26, ADT_A27, ADT_A28, ADT_A29, ADT_A30, ADT_A31, ADT_A32, ADT_A33, ADT_A34, ADT_A35, ADT_A36, ADT_A39, ADT_A40, ADT_A41, ADT_A42, ADT_A44, ADT_A45, ADT_A46, ADT_A47, ADT_A48, ADT_A49, ADT_A50, ADT_A51, ADT_A53, ADT_A55, ADT_A60, ADT_A62
CRM_C01, CRM_C02, CRM_C03, CRM_C04, CRM_C05, CRM_C06, CRM_C07, CRM_C08
CSU_C10, CSU_C11, CSU_C12
MDM_T02, MDM_T03, MDM_T04, MDM_T05, MDM_T06, MDM_T07, MDM_T08, MDM_T09, MDM_T10, MDM_T11
MFK_M02, MFK_M03, MFK_M04, MFK_M05, MFK_M06, MFK_M07, MFK_M08, MFK_M09, MFK_M10, MFK_M11, MFK_M12, MFK_M13, MFK_M14, MFK_M15
MFQ_M01, MFQ_M02, MFQ_M03, MFQ_M04, MFQ_M05, MFQ_M06, MFQ_M07, MFQ_M08, MFQ_M09, MFQ_M10, MFQ_M11, MFQ_M12, MFQ_M13, MFQ_M14
MFR_M02, MFR_M03, MFR_M08, MFR_M09, MFR_M10, MFR_M11, MFR_M12, MFR_M13, MFR_M14
ORU_R01, ORU_R31, ORU_R32
PMU_B02, PMU_B05, PMU_B06
QBP_Q22, QBP_Q23, QBP_Q24, QBP_Q25, QBP_Q31, QBP_Z75, QBP_Z77, QBP_Z79, QBP_Z81, QBP_Z85, QBP_Z87, QBP_Z89, QBP_Z91, QBP_Z93, QBP_Z95, QBP_Z97, QBP_Z99
RDE_O11, RDE__O25
RDY_Z80, RDY_Z98
REF_I13, REF_I14, REF_I15
RPA_I09, RPA_I10, RPA_I11
RQA_I09, RQA_I10, RQA_I11
RQI_I02, RQI_I03
RRI_I13, RRI_I14, RRI_I15
RSP_K24, RSP_Z84
RTB_Z76, RTB_Z78, RTB_Z92, RTB_Z94, RTB_Z96
SIU_S12, SIU_S13, SIU_S14, SIU_S15, SIU_S16, SIU_S17, SIU_S18, SIU_S19, SIU_S20, SIU_S21, SIU_S22, SIU_S23, SIU_S24, SIU_S26
SRM_S02, SRM_S03, SRM_S04, SRM_S05, SRM_S06, SRM_S07, SRM_S08, SRM_S09, SRM_S10, SRM_S11
SRR_S02, SRR_S03, SRR_S04, SRR_S05, SRR_S06, SRR_S07, SRR_S08, SRR_S09, SRR_S10, SRR_S11
Unsupported HL7 Segments and Fields
When an unsupported HL7 segment or field is detected, HealthShare Message Transformation Services map the information to a DocumentReference FHIR resource. This behavior provides the following benefits:
HealthShare Message Transformation Services preserve the full clinical information from the original HL7 message in the corresponding FHIR resources.
Amazon HealthLake automatically integrates with natural language processing for the DocumentReference resource type.
The DocumentReference resource contains separate categories for different HL7 segments, which are described in the following table. Custom segments, known as Z segments, are sorted into the ZZ category of the DocumentReference resource.
HL7 Segment | DocumentReference Category |
AL1 | ALL — Allergy Information |
AIL, AIP, AIS, SCH | APT — Appointment Information |
DG1 | DIA — Diagnosis Information |
PV1, PV2 | ENC — Encounter Information |
GT1, IN1 | INS — Insurance Information |
OBR, OBX | OBS — Observation/Result Information |
ORC | ORD — Order Information |
NK1, PID | PAT — Patient Information |
XA, RXO, TQ1 | PHA — Pharmacy Information |
PR1 | PRC — Procedure Information |
All other segments | ZZ — General Information |
About FHIR Resources
FHIR is the acronym for “Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources.” Developed by the HL7 organization, FHIR has become widely accepted as the next-generation standard for sharing health information across systems and organizations. FHIR solutions are built from a set of modular components called “Resources” (such as encounter, patients, observation, medications, and so on). These resources can easily be assembled into working systems that solve real world clinical and administrative problems at a fraction of the price of existing alternatives.
The output of HealthShare Message Transformation Services is FHIR R4.
Transform a Message
After you create a transformation pipeline, you can use the pipeline to transform data by performing the following steps:
Ensure that the status of the transformation pipeline is Live.
You can determine the status of a pipeline on the HealthShare Message Transformation Services home page.
Upload a character-delimited text file containing the health care data you wish to transform to the pipeline input location.
The file may have any extension.
The services process the file, write any errors to error logs, and send a request to the target location to create the corresponding FHIR R4 resources.
Review the Mapping
Because it may be important for you to understand how HealthShare Message Transformation Services map the input data to FHIR R4 resources, the services enable you to download a document that outlines the mappings. To download and review the document, perform the following steps:
In the HealthShare Message Transformation Services menu, click Field Mapping Reference.
Your browser downloads the file.
Open the downloaded file, and locate a row of interest.
Each row contains data in the following columns:
MessageTypeSupported HL7v2 message type
SegmentSupported HL7v2 segment for the corresponding message type
FieldSupported HL7v2 field for the corresponding segment
Field DescriptionDescription of the corresponding field
FHIR XPathXPath for the FHIR resource that the field maps to.