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PVA066-specified AggregateMap structure

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property AlgJoin as AlgJoin;
AggregateMaps are associated with the algorithm for a particular join
Property methods: AlgJoinGet(), AlgJoinGetSwizzled(), AlgJoinIsValid(), AlgJoinNewObject(), AlgJoinSet()
property Index as %Integer;
1-based index of an AggMap within the join algorithm
Property methods: IndexDisplayToLogical(), IndexGet(), IndexIsValid(), IndexLogicalToDisplay(), IndexNormalize(), IndexSet()


method AppliesToVal(val As MtVal) as %Boolean
Returns true if a subscript of this aggmap corresponds to an aggregate applying to var. This is necessary when computing aggregates (such as count(f)) that are not included in aggmaps, but that can be derived from an appropriate aggmap (such as the null slice of a bitslice index of f used in a sum(f))
method Map() as MtsMap
The map to be aggregated
method MapConditions() as %String
Conditions on the map
method OriginatesInSuperclass()
Map originates in superclass
method Str() as %String
String value of the AggMap
method Subscript(n As %Integer) as AggMapSubscript
Subscripts that contribute to the aggregation For example, for a bitslice index, this will be the power subscript
method SubscriptCount() as %Integer
Number of subscripts in this map

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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