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class %DeepSee.Report.Model.Chart.Chart extends %DeepSee.Report.Model.Element

Property Inventory


parameter DEFAULTASPECT = none;
Do not worry about preserving the aspect ratio.
Default value for the markersVisible property.
Default value for the plotToEdge property.
Default viewBoxHeight of this component. This is set to 100 to provide a fixed coordinate system for meters.
Default viewBoxWidth of this component. This is set to 100 to provide a fixed coordinate system for meters.


property backgroundStyle as;
Optional: style used for chart background panel.
Property methods: backgroundStyleDisplayToLogical(), backgroundStyleGet(), backgroundStyleIsValid(), backgroundStyleLogicalToDisplay(), backgroundStyleLogicalToOdbc(), backgroundStyleNormalize(), backgroundStyleSet()
property bandLower as %ZEN.Datatype.float;
If defined, then a colored band (specified by bandLowerStyle) is displayed on the plot area covering the range lower than this value;
Property methods: bandLowerDisplayToLogical(), bandLowerGet(), bandLowerIsValid(), bandLowerLogicalToDisplay(), bandLowerLogicalToOdbc(), bandLowerNormalize(), bandLowerSet()
property bandLowerStyle as;
Optional: style used for upper band on plot area.
Property methods: bandLowerStyleDisplayToLogical(), bandLowerStyleGet(), bandLowerStyleIsValid(), bandLowerStyleLogicalToDisplay(), bandLowerStyleLogicalToOdbc(), bandLowerStyleNormalize(), bandLowerStyleSet()
property bandUpper as %ZEN.Datatype.float;
If defined, then a colored band (specified by bandUpperStyle) is displayed on the plot area covering the range greater than this value;
Property methods: bandUpperDisplayToLogical(), bandUpperGet(), bandUpperIsValid(), bandUpperLogicalToDisplay(), bandUpperLogicalToOdbc(), bandUpperNormalize(), bandUpperSet()
property bandUpperStyle as;
Optional: style used for upper band on plot area.
Property methods: bandUpperStyleDisplayToLogical(), bandUpperStyleGet(), bandUpperStyleIsValid(), bandUpperStyleLogicalToDisplay(), bandUpperStyleLogicalToOdbc(), bandUpperStyleNormalize(), bandUpperStyleSet()
Every child must be an axis.
Property methods: childrenBuildValueArray(), childrenCollectionToDisplay(), childrenCollectionToOdbc(), childrenDisplayToCollection(), childrenGet(), childrenGetObject(), childrenGetObjectId(), childrenGetSwizzled(), childrenIsValid(), childrenOdbcToCollection(), childrenSet(), childrenSetObject(), childrenSetObjectId()
property dataFields as %ZEN.Datatype.csv;
Comma-delimited list of fields to acquire data from. If dataGroup is provided, only the first data field is used.
Property methods: dataFieldsDisplayToLogical(), dataFieldsGet(), dataFieldsIsValid(), dataFieldsLogicalToDisplay(), dataFieldsLogicalToOdbc(), dataFieldsNormalize(), dataFieldsSet()
property dataGroup as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Specifies the group the group that corresponds to the data elements for the chart.
Property methods: dataGroupDisplayToLogical(), dataGroupGet(), dataGroupIsValid(), dataGroupLogicalToDisplay(), dataGroupLogicalToOdbc(), dataGroupNormalize(), dataGroupSet()
property gridStyle as;
Optional: default style applied to all grid line elements for this chart.
If defined, this style overrides any styles define in the CSS style definition for the page, but is in turn overridden by any styles defined by a specific axis element.
Property methods: gridStyleDisplayToLogical(), gridStyleGet(), gridStyleIsValid(), gridStyleLogicalToDisplay(), gridStyleLogicalToOdbc(), gridStyleNormalize(), gridStyleSet()
property height as %ZEN.Datatype.length;
Height of the chart within the report.
Property methods: heightDisplayToLogical(), heightGet(), heightIsValid(), heightLogicalToDisplay(), heightLogicalToOdbc(), heightNormalize(), heightSet()
property labelStyle as;
Optional: default style applied to all grid label elements for this chart. If defined, this style overrides any styles define in the CSS style definition for the page, but is in turn overridden by any styles defined by a specific axis element.
Property methods: labelStyleDisplayToLogical(), labelStyleGet(), labelStyleIsValid(), labelStyleLogicalToDisplay(), labelStyleLogicalToOdbc(), labelStyleNormalize(), labelStyleSet()
property legendHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.float;
If this chart has a legend, height (within the chart coordinate space) of legend box. If not specified a default height (based on number of data series) will be used.
Property methods: legendHeightDisplayToLogical(), legendHeightGet(), legendHeightIsValid(), legendHeightLogicalToDisplay(), legendHeightLogicalToOdbc(), legendHeightNormalize(), legendHeightSet()
property legendLabelStyle as;
Optional: style used for text within the legend box.
Property methods: legendLabelStyleDisplayToLogical(), legendLabelStyleGet(), legendLabelStyleIsValid(), legendLabelStyleLogicalToDisplay(), legendLabelStyleLogicalToOdbc(), legendLabelStyleNormalize(), legendLabelStyleSet()
property legendStyle as;
Optional: style used for background of the legend box.
Property methods: legendStyleDisplayToLogical(), legendStyleGet(), legendStyleIsValid(), legendStyleLogicalToDisplay(), legendStyleLogicalToOdbc(), legendStyleNormalize(), legendStyleSet()
property legendVisible as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, display a legend for this chart.
Property methods: legendVisibleDisplayToLogical(), legendVisibleGet(), legendVisibleIsValid(), legendVisibleLogicalToDisplay(), legendVisibleLogicalToOdbc(), legendVisibleLogicalToXSD(), legendVisibleNormalize(), legendVisibleSet(), legendVisibleXSDToLogical()
property legendWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.float;
If this chart has a legend, width (within the chart coordinate space) of legend box. If not specified a default width will be used.
Property methods: legendWidthDisplayToLogical(), legendWidthGet(), legendWidthIsValid(), legendWidthLogicalToDisplay(), legendWidthLogicalToOdbc(), legendWidthNormalize(), legendWidthSet()
property legendX as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If this chart has a legend, x-position (within the chart coordinate space) of legend box.
Property methods: legendXDisplayToLogical(), legendXGet(), legendXIsValid(), legendXLogicalToDisplay(), legendXLogicalToOdbc(), legendXNormalize(), legendXSet()
property legendY as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If this chart has a legend, y-position (within the chart coordinate space) of legend box.
Property methods: legendYDisplayToLogical(), legendYGet(), legendYIsValid(), legendYLogicalToDisplay(), legendYLogicalToOdbc(), legendYNormalize(), legendYSet()
property marginBottom as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 10 ];
Margin (within the chart coordinate space) from bottom edge of chart to bottom edge of grid (plot area).
Property methods: marginBottomDisplayToLogical(), marginBottomGet(), marginBottomIsValid(), marginBottomLogicalToDisplay(), marginBottomLogicalToOdbc(), marginBottomNormalize(), marginBottomSet()
property marginLeft as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 10 ];
Margin (within the chart coordinate space) from left edge of chart to left edge of grid (plot area).
Property methods: marginLeftDisplayToLogical(), marginLeftGet(), marginLeftIsValid(), marginLeftLogicalToDisplay(), marginLeftLogicalToOdbc(), marginLeftNormalize(), marginLeftSet()
property marginRight as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 2 ];
Margin (within the chart coordinate space) from right edge of chart to right edge of grid (plot area).
Property methods: marginRightDisplayToLogical(), marginRightGet(), marginRightIsValid(), marginRightLogicalToDisplay(), marginRightLogicalToOdbc(), marginRightNormalize(), marginRightSet()
property marginTop as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 6 ];
Margin (within the chart coordinate space) from top edge of chart to top edge of grid (plot area).
Property methods: marginTopDisplayToLogical(), marginTopGet(), marginTopIsValid(), marginTopLogicalToDisplay(), marginTopLogicalToOdbc(), marginTopNormalize(), marginTopSet()
property markerScale as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Scaling applied to chart markers: A value of 1.0 (or '') will display markers with their default size. This only applies to charts that support markers.
Property methods: markerScaleDisplayToLogical(), markerScaleGet(), markerScaleIsValid(), markerScaleLogicalToDisplay(), markerScaleLogicalToOdbc(), markerScaleNormalize(), markerScaleSet()
property markerShapes as %ZEN.Datatype.csv [ InitialExpression = "circle,up,down,square" ];
Comma-delimited list of marker shapes used for data series markers. Possible values are 'up','down','square','circle'.
This only applies to charts that support markers.
Property methods: markerShapesDisplayToLogical(), markerShapesGet(), markerShapesIsValid(), markerShapesLogicalToDisplay(), markerShapesLogicalToOdbc(), markerShapesNormalize(), markerShapesSet()
property markerStyle as;
Optional: style used for series markers.
Property methods: markerStyleDisplayToLogical(), markerStyleGet(), markerStyleIsValid(), markerStyleLogicalToDisplay(), markerStyleLogicalToOdbc(), markerStyleNormalize(), markerStyleSet()
property markersVisible as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTMARKERSVISIBLE ];
Specifies whether markers should be displayed for the data points within the line chart.
This only appies to charts that display markers.
Property methods: markersVisibleDisplayToLogical(), markersVisibleGet(), markersVisibleIsValid(), markersVisibleLogicalToDisplay(), markersVisibleLogicalToOdbc(), markersVisibleLogicalToXSD(), markersVisibleNormalize(), markersVisibleSet(), markersVisibleXSDToLogical()
property plotAreaStyle as;
Optional: style used for chart plot area panel.
Property methods: plotAreaStyleDisplayToLogical(), plotAreaStyleGet(), plotAreaStyleIsValid(), plotAreaStyleLogicalToDisplay(), plotAreaStyleLogicalToOdbc(), plotAreaStyleNormalize(), plotAreaStyleSet()
property plotStyle as;
Optional: default style applied to svg elements used for plotting data by this chart (such as the line in a line chart).
Property methods: plotStyleDisplayToLogical(), plotStyleGet(), plotStyleIsValid(), plotStyleLogicalToDisplay(), plotStyleLogicalToOdbc(), plotStyleNormalize(), plotStyleSet()
property plotToEdge as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTPLOTTOEDGE ];
Specifies how values should be plotted along a category axis. If true, plot the first and last values on the edges of the plotArea (as in a line chart). If false, plot values in the centers of each unit (as in a bar chart).
This is specified by subclasses.
Property methods: plotToEdgeDisplayToLogical(), plotToEdgeGet(), plotToEdgeIsValid(), plotToEdgeLogicalToDisplay(), plotToEdgeLogicalToOdbc(), plotToEdgeLogicalToXSD(), plotToEdgeNormalize(), plotToEdgeSet(), plotToEdgeXSDToLogical()
property seriesColors as %ZEN.Datatype.csv [ InitialExpression = "blue,red,green,yellow,orange,plum,purple" ];
Comma-delimited list of CSS color values used for data series. The colors can be acquired dynamically by using the form "!fieldname".
Property methods: seriesColorsDisplayToLogical(), seriesColorsGet(), seriesColorsIsValid(), seriesColorsLogicalToDisplay(), seriesColorsLogicalToOdbc(), seriesColorsNormalize(), seriesColorsSet()
property seriesCount as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Number of data series to display on this chart.
If "", then this is computed automatically from the chart's data source.
Property methods: seriesCountDisplayToLogical(), seriesCountGet(), seriesCountIsValid(), seriesCountLogicalToDisplay(), seriesCountLogicalToOdbc(), seriesCountNormalize(), seriesCountSet()
property seriesGroup as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Specifies the group the group that corresponds to the list of series for the chart.
Property methods: seriesGroupDisplayToLogical(), seriesGroupGet(), seriesGroupIsValid(), seriesGroupLogicalToDisplay(), seriesGroupLogicalToOdbc(), seriesGroupNormalize(), seriesGroupSet()
property seriesNames as %ZEN.Datatype.csv;
Comma-delimited list of names used to label each data series in the legend box. The series names can be acquired dynamically by beginning them with a "!". If seriesGroup is provided, only the first series name field is considered.
Property methods: seriesNamesDisplayToLogical(), seriesNamesGet(), seriesNamesIsValid(), seriesNamesLogicalToDisplay(), seriesNamesLogicalToOdbc(), seriesNamesNormalize(), seriesNamesSet()
property seriesSize as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Number of items within each data series to display on this chart.
If "", then this is computed automatically from the chart's data source.
Property methods: seriesSizeDisplayToLogical(), seriesSizeGet(), seriesSizeIsValid(), seriesSizeLogicalToDisplay(), seriesSizeLogicalToOdbc(), seriesSizeNormalize(), seriesSizeSet()
property title as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Title to display for chart.
Property methods: titleDisplayToLogical(), titleGet(), titleIsValid(), titleLogicalToDisplay(), titleLogicalToOdbc(), titleNormalize(), titleSet()
property titleStyle as;
Optional: style used for title text.
Property methods: titleStyleDisplayToLogical(), titleStyleGet(), titleStyleIsValid(), titleStyleLogicalToDisplay(), titleStyleLogicalToOdbc(), titleStyleNormalize(), titleStyleSet()
property titleX as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 50 ];
If this chart has a title, x-position (within the chart coordinate space) of the title.
Property methods: titleXDisplayToLogical(), titleXGet(), titleXIsValid(), titleXLogicalToDisplay(), titleXLogicalToOdbc(), titleXNormalize(), titleXSet()
property titleY as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 5 ];
If this chart has a legend, y-position (within the chart coordinate space) of the title.
Property methods: titleYDisplayToLogical(), titleYGet(), titleYIsValid(), titleYLogicalToDisplay(), titleYLogicalToOdbc(), titleYNormalize(), titleYSet()
property width as %ZEN.Datatype.length;
Height of the chart within the report.
Property methods: widthDisplayToLogical(), widthGet(), widthIsValid(), widthLogicalToDisplay(), widthLogicalToOdbc(), widthNormalize(), widthSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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