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class CSPX.EnsHomePagePane extends %CSP.Util.Pane

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
Use our own domain for localization
parameter RefreshRate = 23;


property Buttons as list of %CSP.Util.FormButton (XMLITEMNAME = "Button");
An optional list of buttons displayed along the bottom of a form.
Property methods: ButtonsBuildValueArray(), ButtonsCollectionToDisplay(), ButtonsCollectionToOdbc(), ButtonsDisplayToCollection(), ButtonsGet(), ButtonsGetObject(), ButtonsGetObjectId(), ButtonsGetSwizzled(), ButtonsIsValid(), ButtonsOdbcToCollection(), ButtonsSet(), ButtonsSetObject(), ButtonsSetObjectId()
property Display as %String (MAXLEN = 20, VALUELIST = ",form,table");
How to display this Form Page.
Property methods: DisplayDisplayToLogical(), DisplayGet(), DisplayIsValid(), DisplayLogicalToDisplay(), DisplayLogicalToOdbc(), DisplayNormalize(), DisplaySet()
property Dynamic as %Boolean;
If true, display this form using the Dynamic form viewer.
Property methods: DynamicDisplayToLogical(), DynamicGet(), DynamicIsValid(), DynamicLogicalToDisplay(), DynamicLogicalToXSD(), DynamicNormalize(), DynamicSet(), DynamicXSDToLogical()
property FormClass as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
Name of class used to provide Detail or Form view;
Property methods: FormClassDisplayToLogical(), FormClassGet(), FormClassIsValid(), FormClassLogicalToDisplay(), FormClassLogicalToOdbc(), FormClassNormalize(), FormClassSet()
property FormObject as %RegisteredObject (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
The object that provides the details to display.
Property methods: FormObjectGet(), FormObjectGetSwizzled(), FormObjectIsValid(), FormObjectNewObject(), FormObjectSet()
property SubmitPage as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
Page (URL) to go to when a form is submitted.
Property methods: SubmitPageDisplayToLogical(), SubmitPageGet(), SubmitPageIsValid(), SubmitPageLogicalToDisplay(), SubmitPageLogicalToOdbc(), SubmitPageNormalize(), SubmitPageSet()
property SubmitTarget as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
TARGET attribute for submitted form.
Property methods: SubmitTargetDisplayToLogical(), SubmitTargetGet(), SubmitTargetIsValid(), SubmitTargetLogicalToDisplay(), SubmitTargetLogicalToOdbc(), SubmitTargetNormalize(), SubmitTargetSet()


method DrawBODY(pInstance As %CSP.Util.PageInstance) as %Status
Draw the BODY of the detail pane
method DrawButton(LinkAction As %String, Caption As %String)
Generic method to Draw a EnsButton on the home page
method DrawHEAD(pInstance As %CSP.Util.PageInstance) as %Status
Overwritten by subclasses to draw anything this pane needs for the HEAD section.
method DrawItems(Subject)
Generic method to draw subject+item for each line
method DrawProduction()
Draw Production Info
method DrawSubject(Subject, HeaderLink)
Generic method to draw subject box
method DrawWarnButton(LinkAction As %String, Caption As %String, pToolTip As %String = "")
Generic method to Draw a Ens warning button
method OnGenerateCode() as %String
Inherited description: Subclasses override this to generate code during CSP processing
classmethod ProductionRecover()
This method is called when user clicks Recover button
classmethod ResetCounters()
This method is called when user clicks the "Reset" button
classmethod ResetProperties()
Get summary and update counters. Numbers are set into page directly without refresh page. If Production State value changes, e.g. from Running to Suspended or Troubled, or if Production Update value changes, e.g. from 0 to 1, then the whole page is reloaded.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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