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abstract class Ens.Rule.Assist

Method Inventory


classmethod GenerateActionDefinitionSchemas()
Used by GenerateSchemaDefinitions to generate to definitions for subclasses of Ens.Rule.Model.action By default, calls the GenerateSchema() method for each action returned by GetValidActions()
classmethod GenerateActionSchema(pClass As %String) as %DynamicObject
Generates the definition for generic objects which extend Ens.Rule.Model.action By default, writes all properties of the class to its schema and adds a "valueObject" property as generated by GenerateExpressionObjSchema()
classmethod GenerateArraySchema(pAllowedElements) as %Status
Generates the schema for a generic array with element type(s) in pAllowedElements Assumes that all elements of pAllowedElements are defined in the definitions object of the schema
classmethod GenerateAssignSchema() as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a assign objects
classmethod GenerateCommentSchema() as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a comment objects
classmethod GenerateConditionSchema(pAllowedActions) as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a condition objects
classmethod GenerateDebugSchema() as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a debug objects
classmethod GenerateDefaultPropertiesSchema(pClass As %String) as %DynamicObject
Generate schema from properties of class Recursively generates schema for subclasses of Ens.Rule.Model.base
classmethod GenerateElseSchema(pAllowedActions) as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a else objects
classmethod GenerateExpressionObjectSchema(pIsCondition As %Boolean = 0) as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a expression objects, defined as deserialized instances of Ens.Rule.Model.expression
classmethod GenerateReturnSchema()
Generates the schema for a return objects
classmethod GenerateRuleSchema() as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a rule objects
classmethod GenerateRuleSetSchema(pAllowedActions) as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a ruleSet objects
classmethod GenerateSchema() as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema rule definitions of this type are expected to follow This schema is used by the Rule Editor to hide/show certain UI elements as appropriate The schema determines: - what context sensitive buttons to show when elements of the rule definition are selected - what properties are exposed for editing The schema can also constrain: - the number of elements of a given type which are permitted in an array
classmethod GenerateSchemaDefinitions() as %DynamicObject
Used by GenerateSchema() to generate schema definitions for re-use throughout the schema
classmethod GenerateTraceSchema() as %DynamicObject
Generates the schema for a trace objects
classmethod GetContextClass() as %String
Returns the context class. If the return value is not null, then users can not change it
classmethod GetDescription() as %String
Returns the description of the rule type
classmethod GetIsRoutingRule() as %String
Returns if the rule is a routing rule
classmethod GetIsSegmentedDoc() as %String
Returns if the rule input is a segmented document
classmethod GetMetaData() as %String
This method returns the meta data for the cconstraint fields The structure of the meta data is the following: meta-data = comma separted list of fields field = colon separated values: = constraint-field-name : caption : [collection] # [type] [ # parameter ] the valid value for collection-type is commalist or null the valid values for type is configname, class or query the parameter for class is passed to the class finder dialog box.
classmethod GetPropertyList(pArray, pText) as %String
This method is called to return a list of properties
classmethod GetQueryData(pArray, pParam) as %String
This method is called when the constraint type is query. This method returns a comma separated list of all the possible values for a particular field The list will be used to populated the combo box.
classmethod GetShortDisplay(pArray) as %String
Returns the short display string for the constraint The input data is in pArray, subscripted by the constraint-field-name
classmethod GetValidActions()
Defines the valid actions for this rule type
classmethod GetValidConditionActions()
Defines the valid actions for condition objects in this rule type By default, includes all valid actions defined by GetValidActions()
classmethod GetValidElseActions()
Defines the valid actions for else objects in this rule type By default, includes all valid actions defined by GetValidActions()
classmethod GetValidRuleSetActions()
Defines the valid actions for ruleSet objects in this rule type By default, includes all valid actions defined by GetValidActions()
classmethod IsHidden() as %String
If return true, then the class is excluded from the new rule wizard
classmethod RuntimeConstraintCheck(ByRef pArray, pContext, Output pPassed) as %Status
This method is called at runtime for constraint check The method is to return 1 or 0 on the output parameter pPassed
classmethod getClassPropertyList(className) as %String
classmethod getClassPropertyType(className, propertyName) as %String


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