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演習 6 : Lookup ルーチン、バージョン 2

  1. 以下は新規でより長い lookup ルーチンです。わかりやすいようにセクションを分割して表示しています。このルーチンも、lookup2.mac として、SAMPLES ネームスペースで使用できます。

  2. 変更された getsubmit プロシージャは、以下のとおりです。$$validDOB^datent はエラー・メッセージを記述するため、If 文の最後にもってきます。そうすることによって、あまり早い段階からメッセージを記述することもありません。

    getsubmit() [submit] ; ask user what to search for, and take appropriate action
        set id = 0
        read !, "Lookup: ", submit
        quit:(submit = "")  ; user entered nothing
        ; figure out what user entered
        if (submit = "?") { ; display help
            do help()
        elseif submit?3n.1(1"-"3n.1(1"-"4n)) { ; allow full or partial phone numbers
            write "...finding phone number"
            do phone( .id ) quit:(id = 0)
            do display(id, "table") ; display the chosen person
        elseif $$NameFormat( .submit )?1u.l.1(1","1u.l) { ; verify the name
            write "...finding name"
            do name( .id ) quit:(id = 0)
            do display(id, "table") ; display the chosen person
        elseif $$validDOB^datent( submit ) { ; use validDOB^datent to verify the DOB
            write "...finding birthday"
            do dob( .id ) quit:(id = 0)
            do display(id, "table") ; display the chosen person
        else { ; else it's an error; add this to what $$validDOB writes
            write ", name, or phone" }
  3. 以下は、変更された dob プロシージャです。

    dob(id) [submit, list] ; perform dob lookup
        ; no partial matches
        ; if user picks a name from the list, ID is returned to the caller
        kill list
        set intdob = $$validDOB^datent( submit ) ; convert dob
        ; is the date of birth in the index?
        if '$data( ^PersonI("DOB", intdob) ) { ; determine if there are any matches
            write " matches"
        set loopid = ""
        ; loop through IDs, and number them
        for count = 1 : 1 {
            set loopid = $order( ^PersonI("DOB", intdob, loopid) )
            quit:(loopid = "")
            set list( count ) = loopid
            write !, count, ") "
            do display(loopid, "line")
        do select( .id )
  4. 以下は phone プロシージャです。検索のために 3 桁のエリア・コードを指定すると、演習で述べたバグが発生します。$Order は、“-” 文字ではなく、数としてこれを解釈するので、以下の最初の $Order は正しい結果を返しません。回避策として、最初の $Order の前の行で、エリア・コードに “-” を追加します。

    phone(id) [submit, list] ; perform phone lookup
        ; if user picks a name from the list, ID is returned to the caller
        kill list
        set count = 0 ; assume no matches
        set origph = submit
        set:(origph?3n) origph = origph _ "-" ; change to a string instead of a number           
        ; origph may be an exact match, so find preceding phone
        set ph = $order( ^PersonI("Phone", origph), -1)
        /* loop through phone numbers, and number them, quit as soon as phone doesn't match original
           loopid holds the ONE ID per phone number */
        for count = 1 : 1 {
            set ph = $order( ^PersonI("Phone", ph), 1, loopid)
            quit:( $extract(ph, 1, $length(origph)) '= origph )
            set list( count ) = loopid
            write !, count, ") "
            do display(loopid, "line")
        if '$data( list ) { ; were there matches?
            write " matches"
        do select( .id )
  5. 以下は name プロシージャです。

    name(id) [submit, list] ; perform name lookup
      ; if user picks a name from the list, ID is returned to the caller
      kill list
      set count = 0 ; assume no matches
      set origln = $piece(submit, ",", 1), origfn = $piece(submit, ",", 2)
      ; origln may be an exact match, so find preceding last name
      set ln = $order( ^PersonI("Name", origln), -1)
      ; loop through last names, quit as soon as last name doesn't match original
      for  {
          set ln = $order( ^PersonI("Name", ln))
          quit:($extract(ln, 1, $length(origln)) '= origln)
          ; origfn may be "". Otherwise, it may be an exact match, so find preceding first name
          if (origfn = "") { set fn = "" }
          else { set fn = $order( ^PersonI("Name", ln, origfn), -1) }
          ; loop through first names, quit as soon as first name doesn't match original, or is ""
          for  {
              set fn = $order( ^PersonI("Name", ln, fn))
              quit:(($extract(fn, 1, $length(origfn)) '= origfn) || (fn = ""))
              set loopid = ""
              ; loop through IDs
              for  {
                  set loopid = $order( ^PersonI("Name", ln, fn, loopid))
                  quit:( loopid = "" )
                  set count = count + 1
                  set list( count ) = loopid
                  write !, count, ") "
                  do display(loopid, "line")
      if '$data( list ) 
         { ; were there matches?
         write " matches"
      do select( .id )
  6. 以下は、$$NameFormat$$up$$low 関数です。

    NameFormat(name) ; change user's entry into proper name format
        ; SMITH,JOHN and smith,john -> Smith,John
        ; if name is passed-by-reference, it will be changed
        set ln = $piece(name, ",", 1), fn = $piece(name, ",", 2)
        set ln = $$up($extract(ln)) _ $$low($extract(ln, 2, $length(ln)))
        if fn = "" { ; return last name only
            set name = ln
            quit name
        set fn = $$up($extract(fn)) _ $$low($extract(fn, 2, $length(fn)))
        set name=ln _ "," _ fn ; return full name
        quit name
    up(text) ; translate text to uppercase
        { quit $translate(text, 
                          "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") }
    low(text) ; translate text to lowercase
        { quit $translate(text,
                          "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") }
  7. 以下は、変更された help プロシージャです。

    help() ; display different types of lookups
        write !, "You can enter:"
        write !?10, "* full name: Smith,John", !?10, "* last name: Smith"
        write !?10, "* partial name: Sm,J or Smith,J or Sm,John"
        write !?10, "* phone number with area code: 617-621-0600"
        write !?10, "* partial phone numbers: 617 or 617-621"
        write !?10, "* date of birth", !!
  8. 以下は、変更された display プロシージャです。

    display(id, style) [name, phone, intdob] ; given an ID, get data and write it
        set rec = ^PersonD( id )
        set name = $piece(rec, "^", 1)
        set phone = $piece(rec, "^", 2)
        set intdob = $piece(rec, "^", 3)
        if style = "line" {
            write name, ?20, phone, ?35, $zdate(intdob, 2) }
        else {
            write # ; clear screen
            do display^datent()
  9. 以下は select プロシージャです。

    select(id) [list] ; choose from the displayed items, and set up ID
        ; id is 0 if no choice is made, id is >0 when user makes a choice
        for {
            read !!, "Choose by number: ", choice
            quit:( choice = "" )
            set id = $get(list( choice ), 0)
            quit:(id '= 0)  ; valid choice
            write !,"Invalid choice"
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