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abstract class %DeepSee.WorksheetEngine extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Server-side implementation and utilities for Worksheet formulae.

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = %DeepSee;


classmethod %EvalExpression(ByRef pErr As %String, pContext As %String, ByRef tree As %String, node As %String = "") as %String
Evaluates part of the parse tree.
pContext is the object variable containing runtime context.
Returns "" for error (assumes that parse tree has already been checked)
classmethod %GenExpression(ByRef pErr As %String, pContext As %String, ByRef tree As %String, node As %String = "") as %String
Generate an executable COS expression for part of the parse tree
context is the name of the object variable containing runtime context.
Returns "" for error (assumes that parse tree has already been checked) NOT USED

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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