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abstract class %IO.IParts.ByteIO extends %Library.RegisteredObject

/// Aggregation holder class for a stream of raw bytes that represent encoded characters. The CharEncoding property designates which character encoding should be applied to convert the bytes into characters.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property CharEncoding as %String [ InitialExpression = "Native" ];
Info-only description of the character encoding that this byte stream represents, if it represents the storage or transport format of a character stream. A value of "RawBytes" or "Binary" in this property means the stream does not represent character data.
Property methods: CharEncodingDisplayToLogical(), CharEncodingGet(), CharEncodingIsValid(), CharEncodingLogicalToDisplay(), CharEncodingLogicalToOdbc(), CharEncodingNormalize()


method CharEncodingSet(pCharEncoding As %String) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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