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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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persistent class %Library.CompiledParameter extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: %Library.CompiledParameter

Note: The class definition classes in the %Library package have been superceded by those in the %Dictionary package.

This class represents a specific class parameter description for a compiled class contained within the Caché Dictionary.

For more information on class definition classes, refer to About Class Definition Classes.

Property Inventory


property ClassName as %CacheString;
A string containing the name of the class the class parameter belongs to.
Property methods: ClassNameGet(), ClassNameIsValid(), ClassNameSet()
property Default as %CacheString;
A string containing the default value for the class parameter.
Property methods: DefaultGet(), DefaultIsValid(), DefaultSet()
property Name as %CacheString;
A string containing the name of the class parameter.
Property methods: NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameSet()
property Type as %CacheString;
This is for internal use only.
Property methods: TypeGet(), TypeIsValid(), TypeSet()


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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