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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

For information on migrating to InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab, see Why Migrate to InterSystems IRIS?


class %Net.RemoteConnection extends %Library.RegisteredObject

This class is DEPRECATED. It is provided only for supporting existing applications. New applications should use Web services for communication.

This class depends on C and C++ binding, so C++ binding must be installed on the server that uses this class.

  s rc=##class(%Net.RemoteConnection).%New()
  Set Status=rc.Connect("","SAMPLES",1972,"_system","SYS") break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.OpenObjectId("Sample.Person",1,.per) break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.GetProperty(per,"Name",.value) break:'Status
  write value
  Set Status=rc.ResetArguments() break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.SetProperty(per,"Name","Jones,Tom "_$r(100),4) break:'Status  // 4 = $$$cbindStringId
  Set Status=rc.ResetArguments() break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.GetProperty(per,"Name",.value) break:'Status
  write value
  Set Status=rc.ResetArguments() break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.AddArgument(150,0) break:'Status  // Add 150+10
  Set Status=rc.AddArgument(10,0) break:'Status  // Add 150+10
  Set Status=rc.InvokeInstanceMethod(per, "Addition", .AdditionValue, 1) break:'Status
  Write AdditionValue
  Set Status=rc.ResetArguments() break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.InstantiateQuery(.rs,"Sample.Person","ByName")

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Connection as %Binary;
Property methods: ConnectionGet(), ConnectionIsValid(), ConnectionSet()
property DLL as %Binary;
Property methods: DLLGet(), DLLIsValid(), DLLSet()
property Database as %Binary;
Property methods: DatabaseGet(), DatabaseIsValid(), DatabaseSet()
property LastErrorCode as %Integer;
Property methods: LastErrorCodeDisplayToLogical(), LastErrorCodeGet(), LastErrorCodeIsValid(), LastErrorCodeLogicalToDisplay(), LastErrorCodeNormalize(), LastErrorCodeSet()
property LastErrorString as %String (MAXLEN = 1024, TRUNCATE = 1);
Property methods: LastErrorStringDisplayToLogical(), LastErrorStringGet(), LastErrorStringIsValid(), LastErrorStringLogicalToDisplay(), LastErrorStringLogicalToOdbc(), LastErrorStringNormalize(), LastErrorStringSet()


method AddArgument(Argument, ByReference As %Boolean = 0, argType As %Integer) as %Status
Add arguments before calling methods (Call Reset before adding any)
method CheckErrorCode() as %Status
After every call you should check the Error Code
method CloseObject(ByRef pObject) as %Status
method Connect(sIP As %String, sNamespace As %String, sPort As %String = "1972", sUsername As %String = "", sPassword As %String = "", sClientIP As %String = "", sClientPort As %String = "") as %Status
method CreateInstance(sClass As %String = "", ByRef pObject As %RegisteredObject = "") as %Status
method Disconnect() as %Status
Disconnect from remote system
method ExecuteQuery(resultSetObject As %ResultSet) as %Status
See InstantiateQuery
method FetchQueryRow(resultSetObject As %ResultSet, ByRef AtEnd As %Boolean) as %Status
See InstantiateQuery
method GetArgument(ByRef Argument, ArgumentNumber As %Integer) as %Status
Used to get the value of an argument that was passed by reference
method GetProperty(object As %RegisteredObject, sPropertyName As %String, ByRef sPropertyValue As %String) as %Status
Get property of an open object (on the remote system)
method GetQueryData(resultSetObject As %ResultSet, position As %Integer, ByRef value As %String) as %Status
See InstantiateQuery
method InstantiateQuery(ByRef resultSetObject As %ResultSet, ClassName As %String, QueryName As %String) as %Status
Running queries Instantiate the ResultSet, Execute, Loop {Fetch Row, GetData}, Release Query
  Set rc=##class(%Net.RemoteConnection).%New()
  Set Status=rc.Connect("","SAMPLES",1972,"_system","SYS") break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.InstantiateQuery(.rs,"Sample.Person","ByName") break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.ResetArguments() break:'Status
  Set Status=rc.AddArgument("A",0,4) break:'Status   /// 4 = $$$cbindStringId
  Set Status=rc.ExecuteQuery(rs) break:'Status
  For  {Set Status=rc.FetchQueryRow(rs, .AtEnd) break:'Status  Quit:AtEnd  Set Status=rc.GetQueryData(rs, 0, .value) break:'Status  Set Status=rc.GetQueryData(rs, 1, .value1) break:'Status  Write value,?10,value1,! }
  Set Status=rc.ReleaseQuery(rs) break:'Status
method InvokeClassMethod(sClass As %String, sMethodName As %String = "", sReturnValue As %String = "", bHasReturn As %Boolean = 0, returnType As %Integer) as %Status
This method cannot return references as a result they must be passed as parameters ie you cannot call OpenId you must call the OpenObjectId below
method InvokeInstanceMethod(pObject As %RegisteredObject = "", sMethodName As %String = "", sReturnValue As %String = "", bHasReturn As %Boolean = 0, returnType As %Integer) as %Status
This method cannot return references as a result they must be passed as parameters ie you cannot call OpenId you must call the OpenObjectId below
method OpenObject(sClass, OID, ByRef pObject) as %Status
method OpenObjectId(sClass, ID, ByRef pObject) as %Status
method ReleaseQuery(resultSetObject As %ResultSet) as %Status
See InstantiateQuery
method ResetArguments() as %Status
Used to reset the argument list, must be called before adding arguments
method SetProperty(object As %RegisteredObject, sPropertyName As %String, sPropertyValue As %String, argType As %Integer) as %Status
Set a property on an open object (on the remote system)
method UnloadDLL() as %Status
Unload DLL

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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