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class %UMLS.Utils extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Method Inventory


classmethod %version() as %String [ SQLProc = version ]
Projected as the stored procedure: version
classmethod AUIList2CUIList(auiList As %List, Output cuiList As %List) as %Status
classmethod AUIList2StrList(auiList As %List, Output strList As %List) as %Status
classmethod GetAUIByString(str As %String, ByRef cuiList As %List, sabList As %List, Output auiList) as %Status
classmethod GetAncestors(str As %String, cuiList As %List, sabList As %List, ByRef level As %Integer, Output parentList As %List, Output pauiList) as %Status
classmethod GetChildrenAsList(auiList As %List, Output cauiList As %List, curList As %List = "")
classmethod GetChildrenAsRS(aui As %String, Output rs As %IResultSet, columnList As %List = "")
classmethod GetDescendants(auiList As %List, level As %Integer = 1, Output descendants As %List)
classmethod GetDescendantsAsRS(auiList As %List, level As %Integer = 1, Output rs As %IResultSet, columnList As %List = "")
classmethod GetHighLevelConcepts(str As %String, cuiList As %List, level As %Integer, Output styList As %List, Output stnList) as %Status
classmethod GetParentsByAUI(auiList As %List, sabList As %List, Output parentList As %List, Output pauiList) as %Status
classmethod GetParentsByString(str As %String, cuiList As %List, sabList As %List, Output parentList As %List, Output pauiList) as %Status
classmethod GetRSByAUIList(auiList As %List, Output rs As %IResultSet, columnList As %List = "")
classmethod GetSAB(cui As %String) as %List [ SQLProc = getSAB ]
Projected as the stored procedure: getSAB
classmethod GetSTNChildrenAsRS(stn As %List, limit As %Integer, columnList As %List = "", Output rs As %IResultSet)
classmethod GetSignificanceScore(mgram As %String, isConcept As %Boolean, Output score As %Double, Output score2 As %Double) as %Status
classmethod GetTermFrequency(term As %String) as %Integer
classmethod SqlChildrenByAUI(Output sql As %String, columnList As %List = "")
classmethod SqlDescendantsByAUI(Output sql As %String, aui As %String, columnList As %List = "", level As %Integer = "")
classmethod String(cui As %String) as %String [ SQLProc = String ]
Projected as the stored procedure: String
classmethod bestString(cuiList As %List, str As %String = "", isConcept As %Boolean = 1, Output strList As %List, Output suiList As %String, Output luiList As %String, Output auiList As %String, sabList As %List = "") as %Status
classmethod buildList(ByRef set, Output list) as %Status
classmethod completionList(pattern As %String, Output list As %List, limit As %Integer, condition As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod expandSTNList(stnList As %List, Output expList As %List) as %Status
classmethod findCUI(pattern As %String, Output cuis As %List, matchType As %String = "like") as %Status
classmethod findCUIsFiltered(pattern As %String, matchType As %String, fsabs As %List, fstns As %List, Output cuis As %List) as %Status
classmethod findMatchByNWD(pattern As %String, matchType As %String = "like", condition As %List, columns As %List, Output results As %List) as %Status
classmethod findPrefSUI(str As %String, ttys As %String = "", Output cuiList As %List, Output suiList As %List, Output srcList As %List) as %Status
classmethod findSUI(str As %String, Output cuiList As %List, Output suiList As %List, Output srcList As %List) as %Status
classmethod findSimilarByNWD(pattern As %String, key As %String, condition As %List, columns As %List, Output results As %List) as %Status
classmethod findSimilarCUI(pattern As %String, Output cuis As %List) as %Status
classmethod findSimilarCUIFiltered(pattern As %String, fsabs As %List, fstns As %List, Output cuis As %List) as %Status
classmethod getAUI(str As %String, Output sc As %Status) as %List [ SQLProc = getAUI ]
Projected as the stored procedure: getAUI
classmethod getExpandedCUIList(str As %String) as %List [ SQLProc = getExpandedCUI ]
Projected as the stored procedure: getExpandedCUI
classmethod getIKnowLanguage(langId As %Integer)
classmethod getLanguages() as %List
classmethod getSTY(cui As %String) as %List [ SQLProc = getSTY ]
Projected as the stored procedure: getSTY
classmethod isValidSource(sab As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod matchCUI(pattern As %String, matchType As %String = "=", filter As %List = "", Output cuis As %List) as %Status
classmethod setLanguages(lang As %List)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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