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persistent class Inventory.DirectoryComponent extends Inventory.Component

SQL Table Name: Inventory.DirectoryComponent

DirectoryComponent is a subclass of Component. An instance represents an operating system directory.

It contains references to the FileComponents and DirectoryComponents representing the files and subdirectories in the directory as subcomponents.

Method Inventory


parameter XMLNAME = DirectoryComponent;
The element name used in the XML representation of the component.
parameter XMLTYPE = DirectoryComponent;
The identifier used to distinguish the type of this component in the XML representation.


method Init(scan As Scan, directoryName As %String) as DirectoryComponent
Initializes and saves this DirectoryComponent, recording scan as the Scan property, and scanning directoryName for its subdirectories and files.

The saved DirectoryComponent is returned.


index ($DirectoryComponent on ) [Extent, Type = bitmap];

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: CacheStorage (Inventory.Component)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (Inventory.Component)

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