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class OAuth2.Server.Registration extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Method Inventory


parameter HTTP200OK = 200 OK;
parameter HTTP201CREATED = 201 Created;
parameter HTTP400BADREQUEST = 400 Bad Request;
parameter HTTP401UNAUTHORIZED = 401 Unauthorized;
parameter HTTP500INTERNALSERVERERROR = 500 Internal Server Error;
parameter INVALIDMETADATA = invalid_client_metadata;


classmethod AddClientSecretToJWKS(JWKS As %String, clientSecret As %String, Output updatedJWKS As %String) as %Status
Add the client secret to the public JWKS
classmethod GetJWKS(uri As %String, sslConfiguration As %String, Output jwks As %String) as %Status
Get the JWKS from jwks_uri
classmethod ReturnJWKS() as %Status
Return this server's public JWKS
classmethod UpdateClientMetadata(client As OAuth2.Server.Client) as %OAuth2.Error
Update the client metadata response for the specified client

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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