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class SYS.WSMon.wsEvent extends %Library.RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor

A general Event class used by Web Services Monitoring to describe alerts or events. See the SYS.WSMon.EventSink service and the SYS.WSMon.Service.EventSubscribe() method for more details about how to receive Events.

The "alerts" would be the same events as those sent via SNMP or WMI, including all relevant alerts from cconsole.log (and the Cache System Monitor). These are documented in the chapters on SNMP and WMI in the Cache Monitoring Guide.

Property Inventory


property AdditionalInfo as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
A text string containing any secondary information about the event. For example a database full event would indicate the name of the database here.
Property methods: AdditionalInfoDisplayToLogical(), AdditionalInfoGet(), AdditionalInfoIsValid(), AdditionalInfoLogicalToDisplay(), AdditionalInfoLogicalToOdbc(), AdditionalInfoNormalize(), AdditionalInfoSet()
property Instance as %String;
The name of the Cache instance which signaled the Event
Property methods: InstanceDisplayToLogical(), InstanceGet(), InstanceIsValid(), InstanceLogicalToDisplay(), InstanceLogicalToOdbc(), InstanceNormalize(), InstanceSet()
property Name as %String;
A string which uniquely identifies the Event, for example 'cacheDBOutOfSpace'.
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property Severity as %Integer;
The severity of the Event, where 0=info, 1=warning, 2=severe, 3=fatal
Property methods: SeverityDisplayToLogical(), SeverityGet(), SeverityIsValid(), SeverityLogicalToDisplay(), SeverityNormalize(), SeveritySet(), SeverityXSDToLogical()
property SnmpId as %Integer;
A numeric value identifying this Event type. This number matches the SNMP trap ID
Property methods: SnmpIdDisplayToLogical(), SnmpIdGet(), SnmpIdIsValid(), SnmpIdLogicalToDisplay(), SnmpIdNormalize(), SnmpIdSet(), SnmpIdXSDToLogical()
property System as %String;
The network name of the system which signaled the Event
Property methods: SystemDisplayToLogical(), SystemGet(), SystemIsValid(), SystemLogicalToDisplay(), SystemLogicalToOdbc(), SystemNormalize(), SystemSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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