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class Demo.Loan.BankMetrics extends Ens.BusinessMetric

Business Metric Class for Demo Loan Production

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property LoansApproved as Ens.DataType.Metric (RANGELOWER = 0, RANGEUPPER = 10000, UNITS = "Applications");
Total number of loans approved to date.
Property methods: LoansApprovedDisplayToLogical(), LoansApprovedGet(), LoansApprovedIsValid(), LoansApprovedLink(), LoansApprovedLogicalToDisplay(), LoansApprovedNormalize(), LoansApprovedPoints(), LoansApprovedRangeLower(), LoansApprovedRangeUpper(), LoansApprovedSet(), LoansApprovedThresholdLower(), LoansApprovedThresholdUpper(), LoansApprovedUnits()
property LoansRequested as Ens.DataType.Metric (RANGELOWER = 0, RANGEUPPER = 10000, UNITS = "Applications");
Total number of loan requests to date.
Property methods: LoansRequestedDisplayToLogical(), LoansRequestedGet(), LoansRequestedIsValid(), LoansRequestedLink(), LoansRequestedLogicalToDisplay(), LoansRequestedNormalize(), LoansRequestedPoints(), LoansRequestedRangeLower(), LoansRequestedRangeUpper(), LoansRequestedSet(), LoansRequestedThresholdLower(), LoansRequestedThresholdUpper(), LoansRequestedUnits()


method OnCalculateMetrics() as %Status
Calculate and update the set of metrics for this class

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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