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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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class EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.Operation.FTPOperation extends EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.Operation.BatchStandard

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter ADAPTER = EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter;
Inherited description: The type of adapter used to communicate with external systems


property %TempStream as %IO.FileStream;
Property methods: %TempStreamGet(), %TempStreamGetSwizzled(), %TempStreamIsValid(), %TempStreamNewObject(), %TempStreamSet()


method OnInit() as %Status
Inherited description: This user callback method is called via initConfig() from %OnNew() or in the case of SOAP Services from OnPreSOAP()
method outputDocument(pFilename As %String, pDocument As EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.Document, pSeparators As %String) as %Status
method outputSegment(pFilename As %String, pSegObj As EnsLib.EDI.EDIFACT.Segment, pSeparators As %String, pCount As %Integer) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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