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class EnsLib.UDDI.DeleteService extends EnsLib.UDDI.Deleter

This class is used to add or update a Service in a UDDI registry

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property ServiceKeys as list of EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.serviceKey;
Collection of Services to update the UDDI registry with
Property methods: ServiceKeysBuildValueArray(), ServiceKeysCollectionToDisplay(), ServiceKeysCollectionToOdbc(), ServiceKeysDisplayToCollection(), ServiceKeysDisplayToLogical(), ServiceKeysGet(), ServiceKeysGetObject(), ServiceKeysGetObjectId(), ServiceKeysGetSwizzled(), ServiceKeysIsValid(), ServiceKeysLogicalToDisplay(), ServiceKeysLogicalToOdbc(), ServiceKeysNormalize(), ServiceKeysOdbcToCollection(), ServiceKeysSet(), ServiceKeysSetObject(), ServiceKeysSetObjectId()


method AddServiceKey(pServiceKey As EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.serviceKey) as %Status
Helper method to add a ServiceKey
method Send(pConnection As EnsLib.UDDI.Connection) as %Status
Transmits the DeleteService request to the UDDI Server.
classmethod Test(pConnection As EnsLib.UDDI.Connection, pServiceKey As EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.serviceKey) as %Status
Test the functionality by deleteing a specifc Service

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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