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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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class DeepSee.APISamples

Method Inventory


classmethod GetResultSet1() as %DeepSee.ResultSet
executes a hardcoded query and returns a result set
classmethod GetResultSet2(city As %String = "Magnolia") as %DeepSee.ResultSet
executes a hardcoded query and returns a result set
classmethod GetResultSet3() as %DeepSee.ResultSet
executes a hardcoded query and returns a result set
classmethod GetResultSet4() as %DeepSee.ResultSet
classmethod RunQuery1(Output result As %DeepSee.ResultSet) as %Status
Executes a hardcoded query and prints the results. Returns the result set as output.
classmethod RunQuery2(city As %String = "Magnolia", Output result As %DeepSee.ResultSet) as %Status
Executes a query that uses a named parameter and prints the results. Returns the result set as output.
classmethod RunQuery3()
Executes a query that does a detail listing and prints the results. Returns the result set as output
classmethod ShowCell() as %Status
Executes a query and prints the results. Then for comparison, displays a specific cell.
classmethod ShowQueryMetadata(rset As %DeepSee.ResultSet) as %Status
Given a result set as input, this method generates a report on the query metadata.
classmethod ShowResultMetadata(rset As %DeepSee.ResultSet)
Given a result set as input, this method generates a report on the result metadata.
classmethod ShowRowLabels() as %Status
Executes a query and prints the results. Then for comparison, displays information about the row labels.
classmethod ShowSlicerStatement(rset As %DeepSee.ResultSet, Row1 As %Integer = 1, Col1 As %Integer = 1, Row2 As %Integer, Col2 As %Integer) as %Status
Given a result set as input, this method generates a report on the slicer statement for a given cell range.
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