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persistent class HoleFoods.Outlet extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: HoleFoods.Outlet

This represents a Sales Outlet for the HoleFoods demo.

Property Inventory


property City as %String (MAXLEN = 100);
City name of this location.
Property methods: CityDisplayToLogical(), CityGet(), CityGetStored(), CityIsValid(), CityLogicalToDisplay(), CityLogicalToOdbc(), CityNormalize(), CitySet()
property Country as Country;
Country in which this city is located.
Property methods: CountryGet(), CountryGetObject(), CountryGetObjectId(), CountryGetStored(), CountryGetSwizzled(), CountryIsValid(), CountryNewObject(), CountrySet(), CountrySetObject(), CountrySetObjectId(), CountryUnSwizzle()
property Latitude as %Double;
Latitude of this location.
Property methods: LatitudeDisplayToLogical(), LatitudeGet(), LatitudeGetStored(), LatitudeIsValid(), LatitudeLogicalToDisplay(), LatitudeNormalize(), LatitudeOdbcToLogical(), LatitudeSet()
property Longitude as %Double;
Longitude of this location.
Property methods: LongitudeDisplayToLogical(), LongitudeGet(), LongitudeGetStored(), LongitudeIsValid(), LongitudeLogicalToDisplay(), LongitudeNormalize(), LongitudeOdbcToLogical(), LongitudeSet()
property Population as %Integer (MINVAL = 0);
Population of this city.
Property methods: PopulationDisplayToLogical(), PopulationGet(), PopulationGetStored(), PopulationIsValid(), PopulationLogicalToDisplay(), PopulationNormalize(), PopulationSet()
property Type as %String (MAXLEN = 50);
Type of outlet: "retail", "web", etc.
Property methods: TypeDisplayToLogical(), TypeGet(), TypeGetStored(), TypeIsValid(), TypeLogicalToDisplay(), TypeLogicalToOdbc(), TypeNormalize(), TypeSet()


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (HoleFoods.Outlet)

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