Defining User Roles (2.4)
This page describes how to define user roles. After defining user roles (and users), be sure to specify SSO rules to specify the user roles to which the users belong (thus specifying which permissions the users have).
Defining a User Role
To create a user role:
Click the Management
icon in the application menu.
In the Security section, click User Roles.
The page then displays a table of the existing user roles.
Click New User Role in the upper right, above the table of user roles.
The system displays a popup dialog box.
For Role Name, type a unique but descriptive name for this role.
This name is shown when you define SSO rules.
Click Submit.
The new role is then added to the table.
Click the Edit
icon in the row for the new role.
This displays the Role Privileges page, where you can define the role.
Editing Role Privileges
To edit the privileges held by a user role:
Click the Management
icon in the application menu.
In the Security section, click Role Privileges. Then select the role from the Role dropdown list.
Or click User Roles and then click the Edit
icon in the row for the role.
Then make edits as follows:
Click Application Privileges and then select the privileges this role needs to have within InterSystems TotalView™ For Asset Management. The page lists the privileges in groups with explanations of each.
Click the Assigned or Unassigned link to see the currently assigned or currently unassigned privileges, respectively, within this set.
Click SQL Capability Privileges and then select the SQL capabilities this role needs to have.
Click the Assigned or Unassigned link to see the currently assigned or currently unassigned privileges, respectively.
Click SQL Schema Privileges and then specify the privileges needed for specific SQL schemas (sets of tables) within the InterSystems TotalView environment. (Note that you can also specify privileges for specific tables.)
Click SQL Procedure Privileges and then select the SQL procedures that this role should be able to execute within this environment.
Click SQL Table Privileges and then specify the privileges needed for specific SQL tables within this environment.
Click SQL View Privileges and then specify the privileges needed for specific SQL views within this environment.
For most of these options, you can use filters above the table in order to more easily find particular items.
Renaming a User Role
To rename a user role:
Click the Management
icon in the application menu.
In the Security section, click User Roles.
The page then displays a table of the existing user roles.
Click the Rename
icon in the applicable row.
Type a new name into the dialog box.
Click Submit.
Deleting a User Role
To delete a user role:
Click the Management
icon in the application menu.
In the Security section, click User Roles.
The page then displays a table of the existing user roles.
Click the Delete
icon in the applicable row.
The system displays a popup dialog box to confirm this action.
Click Delete.