abstract class %DeepSee.UserPortal.Utils extends %Library.RegisteredObject
APIs used by the UserPortal.Method Inventory
- %ClearDashboardSettings()
- %ClearLocalDataSource()
- %ClearUserIcons()
- %ClearUserSettings()
- %DeleteAlert()
- %FindDependencies()
- %FindIsUsedBy()
- %FormatDate()
- %GetAlertsForUser()
- %GetChartSeriesSchemeInfo()
- %GetChartSeriesSchemes()
- %GetColorSchemeInfo()
- %GetColorSchemes()
- %GetColorSets()
- %GetErrorPageURL()
- %GetFavoritesForUser()
- %GetFolderItemsForUser()
- %GetPreferences()
- %GetRecentItemsForUser()
- %GetSettingsFromURL()
- %GetUserHomePageURL()
- %GetUserIcon()
- %GetUserIconList()
- %GetUserList()
- %GetUserName()
- %GetUserSetting()
- %GetUserSettingsList()
- %GetViewerURL()
- %KillAlerts()
- %ListFolderItems()
- %LoadDashboardSettings()
- %RegisterUser()
- %RemoveUserIcon()
- %RemoveUserSetting()
- %ResolveText()
- %ResolveTextList()
- %SaveDashboardSettings()
- %SendAlert()
- %SetUserIcon()
- %SetUserSetting()
- AddWidgetKeys()
- AddWidgetNames()
parameter DOMAIN = %DeepSee;
classmethod %ClearDashboardSettings(pDashboard As %String, pUser As %String = "", pSaveLocalDataSource As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Clear dashboard settings for the given dashboard (If pUser is "", then for all users).
Clear the localDataSource for a specific user and widget.
classmethod %ClearUserIcons() as %Status
Delete the current user icons for the current namespace.
classmethod %ClearUserSettings() as %Status
Delete the current user settings for the current namespace.
Delete the given alert.
classmethod %FindDependencies(pName As %String, Output pList As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
For the given folder item, pName, return a list of other items it depends upon.
classmethod %FindIsUsedBy(pName As %String, Output pList As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
For the given folder item, pName, return a list of other items that use it.
This method does a full scan of all dashboard items, so use sparingly.
Format a $H value.
classmethod %GetAlertsForUser(Output pAlerts, Output pNewCount As %Integer, pMaxItems As %Integer = 25) as %Status
Return the current alerts list for the current user:
pAlerts(n) = $LB(alertId,from,subject,date,url,priority,icon,iconTip)
classmethod %GetChartSeriesSchemeInfo(pScheme As %String, Output pSchemeName, Output pColorList) as %Status
Find info on the given chart series color scheme.
classmethod %GetChartSeriesSchemes(Output pScheme) as %Status
Return an array of the defined chart series color schemes:
pScheme(n) = $LB(name,caption,[colorList])
Find info on the given dashboard color scheme.
classmethod %GetColorSchemes(Output pScheme) as %Status
Return an array the list of defined dashboard color schemes:
pScheme(n) = $LB(name,caption,jsFile,cssFile)
classmethod %GetColorSets(Output pSet) as %Status
Return an array of the defined color sets.
A color set is a name list of up to 256 colors used by a color picker.
pSet(n) = $LB(name,caption,;-delimited list of colors)
Return the URL for the user portal error page.
classmethod %GetFavoritesForUser(Output pFavorites) as %Status
Return the current favorites list for the current user:
pItems(n) = $LB(fullName,name,folder,title,type,icon,date,url)
classmethod %GetFolderItemsForUser(Output pItems, pFolderName As %String, pSearchKey As %String = "", pIncludePrivate As %Boolean = 0, pShowAll As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return a list of folder items for the current user:
pItems(n) = $LB(name,type,tip,date,url,icon,keywords,public,title,createdBy,resource,cover,category,owner,write,lastAccessed)
This list is returned in ID order; the caller will sort it. If pShowAll is true, list items for all users.
pItems(n) = $LB(name,type,tip,date,url,icon,keywords,public,title,createdBy,resource,cover,category,owner,write,lastAccessed)
This list is returned in ID order; the caller will sort it. If pShowAll is true, list items for all users.
classmethod %GetPreferences(Output pPrefs) as %Status
Return an array containing the system preferences for the portal.
classmethod %GetRecentItemsForUser(Output pItems) as %Status
Return the recent items list for the current user:
pItems(n) = $LB(fullName,name,folder,title,type,icon,date,url)
classmethod %GetSettingsFromURL(Output pSettings) as %Status
Get the values of any SETTINGS parameters within the current URL and pull them apart.
A dashboard URL may contain any number of parameters called SETTINGS. Each takes the form:
Supported parameters and values include:
TARGET:widgetName; ("*" if not specified)
VARIABLE:pivotVar; (default value for pivot variable)
For some items, such as FILTER, there can be multiple values separated by ~
;; is an escape for ";"
~~ is an escape for "~"
A FILTER spec is of the form:
Name.Value or [Name].[Value], [Name].&[Value]
For an MDX-based filter, Name may have multiple pieces:
A VARIABLE (pivot variable) spec is of the form:
On return, pSettings will contain:
pSettings(target,parm) = "value"
Supported parameters and values include:
TARGET:widgetName; ("*" if not specified)
VARIABLE:pivotVar; (default value for pivot variable)
For some items, such as FILTER, there can be multiple values separated by ~
;; is an escape for ";"
~~ is an escape for "~"
A FILTER spec is of the form:
Name.Value or [Name].[Value], [Name].&[Value]
For an MDX-based filter, Name may have multiple pieces:
A VARIABLE (pivot variable) spec is of the form:
On return, pSettings will contain:
pSettings(target,parm) = "value"
classmethod %GetUserHomePageURL() as %String
Return the URL for the user portal home page.
Get the path of the given user-defined icon.
classmethod %GetUserIconList(Output pData) as %Status
Return a list of the current user icons in the form:
pData(n) = $LB(name,path)
classmethod %GetUserList(Output pUsers, pSearchKey As %String = "", pAlertsEnabled As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return a list of DeepSee users.
pUsers(n) = $LB(id,name,icon)
If pAlertsEnabled is true, then only return users that have enabled alerts.
pUsers(n) = $LB(id,name,icon)
If pAlertsEnabled is true, then only return users that have enabled alerts.
Return the name of the current user (or given user name).
Return their full name if registered, otherwise return the login name.
Get the value of the given user-defined setting.
A user-setting is an expression. This method evaluates the expression and returns the result.
Return a list of the current user settings in the form:
pData(n) = $LB(name,value,comment,context)
classmethod %GetViewerURL() as %String
Return the URL for the dashboard viewer.
classmethod %KillAlerts() as %Status
Delete all alerts in this namespace.
Print a list of all folder items to the console.
classmethod %LoadDashboardSettings(Output pSettings As %String, pDashboard As %String, pUser As %String = "") as %String
A dashboard setting is a set of name/value pairs saved for a specific
dashboard and user. This lets the user save filters values, positions, etc.
classmethod %RegisterUser(pUserId As %String, pUserName As %String = "", pEMail As %String = "", pEnabled As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Register a DeepSee user.
Delete the given user icon for the current namespace.
Delete the given user setting for the current namespace.
Resolve a localized text string at run time.
A localized string can take the following forms:
"String" -- not localized.
"$$$String" -- equivalent to $$$Text("String","DeepSeeUser")
"$$$String/Domain" -- equivalent to $$$Text("String","Domain")
"String" -- not localized.
"$$$String" -- equivalent to $$$Text("String","DeepSeeUser")
"$$$String/Domain" -- equivalent to $$$Text("String","Domain")
Resolve a csv-list of localized text strings at run time.
classmethod %SaveDashboardSettings(ByRef pSettings As %String, pDashboard As %String, pUser As %String = "") as %Status
A dashboard setting is a set of name/value pairs saved for a specific
dashboard and user. This lets the user save filters values, positions, etc.
classmethod %SendAlert(pAlert As %DeepSee.UserPortal.Data.Alert) as %Status
Send a new alert.
Set the path for the given user-defined icon.
pName is the name of the icon. This must be unique.
pValue is the path for the icon.
pName is the name of the icon. This must be unique.
pValue is the path for the icon.
classmethod %SetUserSetting(pName As %String, pValue As %String, pComment As %String = "", pContext As %String = "") as %Status
Set the value and comment for the given user-defined setting.
pName is the name of the setting. This must be unique.
pValue is the value of the setting. This is in ObjectScript expression that is evaluated at run-time.
pComment is a comment.
pContext is the name of the context in which this setting is expected to be used. This allows the user to be presented with a limited set of settings.
pName is the name of the setting. This must be unique.
pValue is the value of the setting. This is in ObjectScript expression that is evaluated at run-time.
pComment is a comment.
pContext is the name of the context in which this setting is expected to be used. This allows the user to be presented with a limited set of settings.
classmethod AddWidgetKeys(pDashboard As %DeepSee.Dashboard.Definition = "") as %Status
Look through all of the widgets in a dashboard and make sure each that has a logical name also has a defined key.
classmethod AddWidgetNames(pDashboard As %DeepSee.Dashboard.Definition = "", ByRef pNewWidgetNames) as %Status
Inspect an open dashboard definition object and add names to any widgets that do not have names. All widgets
that are assigned new names will have a name of the form WidgetXXX that is unique to the dashboard
assigned. All names assigned in this manner will be returned in an index available through the by reference argument
pNewWidgetNames(widgetPosition) = newName
This method will not change the stored dashboard definition DFI document.
pNewWidgetNames(widgetPosition) = newName
This method will not change the stored dashboard definition DFI document.
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()