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class %Installer.Role extends %Installer.Activity

This is a "Role" activity within a Manifest document

Property Inventory


property Description as %String (MAXLEN = 32000) [ Required ];
Role Description: Note that currently, the role description cannot be modified once created.
Property methods: DescriptionDisplayToLogical(), DescriptionGet(), DescriptionIsValid(), DescriptionLogicalToDisplay(), DescriptionLogicalToOdbc(), DescriptionNormalize(), DescriptionSet()
property Resources as %String (MAXLEN = 32000);
For example:
Property methods: ResourcesDisplayToLogical(), ResourcesGet(), ResourcesIsValid(), ResourcesLogicalToDisplay(), ResourcesLogicalToOdbc(), ResourcesNormalize(), ResourcesSet()
property RolesGranted as %String (MAXLEN = 32000);
RolesGranted Additional roles granted when this role is granted to a user
Property methods: RolesGrantedDisplayToLogical(), RolesGrantedGet(), RolesGrantedIsValid(), RolesGrantedLogicalToDisplay(), RolesGrantedLogicalToOdbc(), RolesGrantedNormalize(), RolesGrantedSet()
property Target as %String (XMLNAME = "Name") [ Required ];
Namespace name
Property methods: TargetDisplayToLogical(), TargetGet(), TargetIsValid(), TargetLogicalToDisplay(), TargetLogicalToOdbc(), TargetNormalize(), TargetSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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