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class %MFT.Kiteworks extends %MFT.API

The %MFT.Kiteworks class is the subclass of %MFT.API which implements the APIs using Accellion Kiteworks.

Method Inventory


classmethod CreateFolder(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, folderPath As %String, Output itemInfo As %MFT.ItemInfo) as %Status
Creates the remote folder at the specified folderPath. Each level of the folder path should be created separately if it does not already exist. An %MFT.ItemInfo object is returned for the new folder.
classmethod CreateUser(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, userInfo As %MFT.UserInfo) as %Status
Create a new user. The Userid and Detail properties are filled in by CreateUser if it is successful.
classmethod DeleteFile(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, path As %String, permanent As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Delete the remote file. path may be a file path. path may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object.
If permanent is true, then the file will be permanently deleted. Otherwise the file will be moved to trash.
If the remote file does not exist at the specified path, then $$$OK is returned as status and itemInfo is returned as "".
classmethod DeleteFolder(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, path As %String, permanent As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Delete the remote folder. path may be a folder path. path may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object. If permanent is true, then the folder will be permanently deleted. Otherwise the folder will be moved to trash.
If the remote folder does not exist at the specified path, then $$$OK is returned as status and itemInfo is returned as "".
classmethod DeleteUser(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, username As %String) as %Status
Delete the user that is specified by the email address (i.e. username).
classmethod DeleteUserById(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, userid As %String) as %Status
Delete the user that is specified by the id.
classmethod DownloadFile(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, filePath As %String, localFilePath As %String) as %Status
Download the specified remote file and store at the location given by localFilePath. filePath may be a file path. filePath may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object.
classmethod DownloadStream(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, filePath As %String, ByRef stream As %BinaryStream) as %Status
Download the specified remote file and store in the specified stream which must be a %FileBinaryStream or a %GlobalBinaryStream. If stream is not specified, then a %GlobalBinaryStream will be created. filePath may be a file path. filePath may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object.
classmethod GetFileInfo(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, path As %String, Output itemInfo As %MFT.ItemInfo) as %Status
Return the item info object which describes the specified file. path may be a file path. path may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object. If a file does not exist at the specified path, then $$$OK is returned as status and itemInfo is returned as "".
classmethod GetFolderContents(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, folderPath As %String, recursive As %Boolean = 0, Output folderContents As %MFT.FolderContents) as %Status
Return the folder contents object for the specified folder. folderPath may be a folder path. folderPath may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object. "" May be used as the folderPath to specify the current folder. The FolderContents object will include a list of %MFT.ItemInfo objects which contain a file or folder name and some additional simple information.
classmethod GetFolderInfo(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, path As %String, Output itemInfo As %MFT.ItemInfo) as %Status
Return the item info object which describes the specified folder. path may be a folder path. path may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object. "" May be used as the path to specify the current folder. If a folder does not exist at the specified path, then $$$OK is returned as status and itemInfo is returned as "".
classmethod GetRequestId(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, itemInfo As %MFT.ItemInfo) as %String
Get the form of id for a file or folder that is most efficient for subsequent calls. GetRequestId will return either an id of the form "id:" or a full path depending on which is more efficient. This method is included to allow the id for future requests to be saved in the most efficient form.
classmethod GetUser(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, username As %String, Output userInfo As %MFT.UserInfo) as %Status
Retrieve the %MFT.UserInfo specified by the username which is the email address for all currently supported services. GetUser is potentially less efficient than GetUserById. If the user does not exist, then $$$OK is returned as status and userInfo is returned as "".
classmethod GetUserById(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, userid As %String, Output userInfo As %MFT.UserInfo) as %Status
Retrieve the %MFT.UserInfo specified by the service defined Userid. If the user does not exist, then $$$OK is returned as status and userInfo is returned as "".
classmethod GetUserList(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, Output userList As %MFT.UserList) as %Status
Return the list of all currently defined users for this team or enterprise.
classmethod GetUsername(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, internalId As %String, Output username As %String) as %Status
Get the external username that corresponds to the specified internal user id.
classmethod MountFolder(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, folderName As %String) as %Status
MountFolder is a Dropbox specific method to mount a shared folder that was shared by a different user. MountFolder is treated as a NOP for all other services.
classmethod ShareFolder(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, path As %String, accessLevel As %String = "viewer", users As %List) as %Status
Share a folder with a list of users pass as a $list. path may be a folder path. path may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object. The "editor" and "viewer" access levels are supported for all vendors. The defined Kiteworks roles are supported as access levels. The editor access level becomes the Manager role and the viewer access level becomes the Viewer role. A Kiteworks user is specified as the email address associated with the account.
classmethod UnmountFolder(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, folderName As %String) as %Status
UnmountFolder is a Dropbox specific method to unmount a shared folder that was shared by a different user. UnmountFolder is treated as a NOP for all other services.
classmethod UnshareFolder(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, path As %String, user As %String) as %Status
Unshare a folder from a specified user. path may be a folder path. path may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object. A Kiteworks user is specified as the email address associated with the account.
classmethod UnshareFolderAll(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, path As %String) as %Status
Unshare a folder from all users. path may be a folder path. path may also be specified as an id of the form "id:" which was obtained from a %MFT.ItemInfo object.
classmethod UploadFile(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, localFilePath As %String, filePath As %String, replace As %Boolean = 0, Output itemInfo As %MFT.ItemInfo) as %Status
Update the specified remote file with the contents of the specified local file. filePath must be a file path. An id may not be specified. If replace is true, then an existing file of the same name will be replaced. The default is to return an error if a replacement is attempted.
classmethod UploadStream(connection As %SYS.MFT.Connection.Kiteworks, stream As %BinaryStream, filePath As %String, replace As %Boolean = 0, Output itemInfo As %MFT.ItemInfo) as %Status
Update the specified remote file with the contents of the specified stream. filePath must be a file path. An id may not be specified. If replace is true, then an existing file of the same name will be replaced. The default is to return an error if a replacement is attempted.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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