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abstract class %Net.SASL.Base extends %Library.RegisteredObject

The abstract super class of all security mechanisms to be used with %Net.Authenticator, our implement of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) as defined by RFC 2222.

Each defined mechanism will add additional properties defining the parameters needed for the mechanism and override the emthods defined here.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property MechanismName as %String;
The name of the security mechanism. This name must be one of SASL mechanism names that is registered with IANA.
Property methods: MechanismNameDisplayToLogical(), MechanismNameGet(), MechanismNameIsValid(), MechanismNameLogicalToDisplay(), MechanismNameLogicalToOdbc(), MechanismNameNormalize(), MechanismNameSet()
property Password as %String;
The password for the user name being authenticated.
Property methods: PasswordDisplayToLogical(), PasswordGet(), PasswordIsValid(), PasswordLogicalToDisplay(), PasswordLogicalToOdbc(), PasswordNormalize(), PasswordSet()
property UserName as %Library.Username;
The user name being authenticated. No authentication will be attempted unless UserName and Password are supplied.
Property methods: UserNameDisplayToLogical(), UserNameGet(), UserNameIsValid(), UserNameLogicalToDisplay(), UserNameLogicalToOdbc(), UserNameNormalize(), UserNameSet()


Return next response based on challenge using this SASL mechanism. Return value is false to indicate abort.
method Start(ByRef response As %String) as %Boolean
Start authentication based on UserName and Password using this mechanism.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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