abstract class %SYS.Ensemble [ Final ]
Method Inventory
- BounceExternalLanguageServer()
- CreateDocumentation()
- EnsembleUsername()
- GetEnsMetrics()
- GetExternalLanguageServers()
- GetMapParent()
- GlobalInMirroredDB()
- ListAlertingUsers()
- StartProduction()
- StopProduction()
- UpdateProduction()
Method used by PEX Components Registration to bounce the server if necessary for ensuring the correct file is used
User might not have %Admin_Manage and %DB_IRISSYS privileges
Instead require WRITE priv on the %Ens_Code resource in order to gain elevated privileges.
classmethod CreateDocumentation(pProduction As %String = "", pIntro As %Boolean = 1, pFormat As %String, Output LogFileName As %String, Output URL As %String, Output BookName As %String, PDFFileName As %String, PDFRenderer As %String, ByRef Params As %String, pAllSettings As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Wrapper around the Ens.Util.Documentation::CreateDoc() API to ensure that users have sufficient privileges to
add the resulting material to the documentation.
The parameter PDFRenderer is deprecated and is ignored.
The parameter pAllSettings defaults to 0 but if set to 1 all settings including default values for a host item will be included.
The parameter PDFRenderer is deprecated and is ignored.
The parameter pAllSettings defaults to 0 but if set to 1 all settings including default values for a host item will be included.
classmethod EnsembleUsername() as %String
Correctly determine the expanded Interoperability manager username (used internallly and not for login)
if the system is using multiple domains.
If multiple domains are in use, then the Interoperability manager username should be present in the default domain.
classmethod GetEnsMetrics(pID As %String, pCount As %Integer, Output pValues, Output pStatus, Output pMsg, pInterval As %Numeric = 10) as %Status
Wrapper around the SYS.EnsMetrics::GetMainMetrics() API to ensure that all users with
USE permissions on %Ens_Dashboard can get this information even if they aren't permitted to
directly run code in the system database.
classmethod GetExternalLanguageServers(ByRef pServers) as %Status
Method used by Context Search to get list of External Language Servers
User might not have SQL privs on the Config.Gateways::ListShort query
Instead require WRITE priv on the %Ens_ProductionConfig resource in order to gain elevated privileges.
classmethod GetMapParent(pInputClass As %String, pIsBatch As %Boolean = 0, Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK) as %Status
Method used by DTL Test page that requires de-serialization of the test input data
User might not have SQL privs on the %Dictionary.ParameterDefinition table
If the User does not have SQL Select privs on %Dictionary.ParameterDefinition table then user
requires USE priv on the %Ens_DTLTest resource in order to gain elevated privileges.
classmethod ListAlertingUsers(Output pUsers As %String, pLimitToNamespace As %String = "") as %Status
This method is used by the portal page EnsPortal.ManagedAlertViewer
It returns a list of users who are members of the %EnsRole_AlertManager, %EnsRole_AlertOperator or %EnsRole_Alert roles.
If the role %EnsRole_Administrator has USE privilege on the %Ens_AlertAdministration resource then users of the role %EnsRole_Administrator will also be listed.
Users with %All role will not be listed unless they are explicitly members of one of the roles previously mentioned.
The default is to list all the users in the instance. Pass the namespace in the second parameter to limit the list to the user with write access to the Ens.Alerting.ManagedAlert data in a specific namespace.
A user must be permitted to edit alerts to call this API.
It returns a list of users who are members of the %EnsRole_AlertManager, %EnsRole_AlertOperator or %EnsRole_Alert roles.
If the role %EnsRole_Administrator has USE privilege on the %Ens_AlertAdministration resource then users of the role %EnsRole_Administrator will also be listed.
Users with %All role will not be listed unless they are explicitly members of one of the roles previously mentioned.
The default is to list all the users in the instance. Pass the namespace in the second parameter to limit the list to the user with write access to the Ens.Alerting.ManagedAlert data in a specific namespace.
A user must be permitted to edit alerts to call this API.
Secure wrapper for the StartProduction API in Ens.Director.
Secure wrapper for the StopProduction API in Ens.Director.
classmethod UpdateProduction(pTimeout As %Numeric = 10, pForce As %Boolean = 0, pCalledByScheduleHandler As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Secure wrapper for the UpdateProduction API in Ens.Director.