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deprecated class %ZEN.Auxiliary.column extends %ZEN.Component.object

Defines column information for a %ZEN.Component.tablePane.
This class lets you specify details for how a column should be displayed within a tablePane. These details include:

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property OnDrawCell as %ZEN.Datatype.delegator (FORMALSPEC = "table:%ZEN.Component.tablePane,name:%ZEN.Datatype.string,seed:%ZEN.Datatype.string", RETURNTYPE = "%Status");
Optional. Name of Server-side callback method that provides HTML content for cells within this column.
If defined, this callback is invoked on the server when this component is drawn. It provides HTML content by using &html or by using the WRITE command.
This must be the name of a server-only method in the page class that contains this view component.
Property methods: OnDrawCellDisplayToLogical(), OnDrawCellGet(), OnDrawCellIsValid(), OnDrawCellLogicalToDisplay(), OnDrawCellLogicalToOdbc(), OnDrawCellNormalize(), OnDrawCellSet()
property OnDrawFilter as %ZEN.Datatype.delegator (FORMALSPEC = "table:%ZEN.Component.tablePane,name:%ZEN.Datatype.string,colinfo:%ZEN.Auxiliary.column", RETURNTYPE = "%Status");
Optional. Name of server-side callback method that provides HTML content for the filter displayed for this column. This is used when the value of filterType is set to "custom".
If defined, this callback is invoked on the server when this component is drawn. It provides HTML content by using &html or by using the WRITE command.
This must be the name of a server-only method (with the correct signature) in the page class that contains this column object.
Property methods: OnDrawFilterDisplayToLogical(), OnDrawFilterGet(), OnDrawFilterIsValid(), OnDrawFilterLogicalToDisplay(), OnDrawFilterLogicalToOdbc(), OnDrawFilterNormalize(), OnDrawFilterSet()
property cellTitle as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Optional. Tooltip help for data column. This is a localizable value.
Property methods: cellTitleDisplayToLogical(), cellTitleGet(), cellTitleIsValid(), cellTitleLogicalToDisplay(), cellTitleLogicalToOdbc(), cellTitleNormalize(), cellTitleSet()
property colExpression as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENENCRYPT = 1);
If specified, this is an SQL expression used to get the value of this column if the table is automatically constructing an SQL query. If a subquery is to be used as expression, it must be enclosed in braces.
For example: "FirstName||LastName"
"(select name from Sample.Person)"
If specified, colName must also be set. colExpression doesn't support column aliases, use colName instead. This value is encrypted and cannot be modified on the client.
Property methods: colExpressionDisplayToLogical(), colExpressionGet(), colExpressionIsValid(), colExpressionLogicalToDisplay(), colExpressionLogicalToOdbc(), colExpressionNormalize(), colExpressionSet()
property colName as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENEXPRESSION = 1);
If specified, name of data column this object is associated with. If not specified, then this column is displayed without a data value (typically used to display a link action in a row).
When used with a %ZEN.Component.tablePane component, this can also take one of the following special values:
  • "$selector" - define a style for the special selector column in the table.
  • "$rownumber" - define a style for the row number column in the table.
  • "$checkbox" - define a style for the checkbox column in the table (when in multiSelect mode).
The name of a data column must be a valid name (and not an expression).
Property methods: colNameDisplayToLogical(), colNameGet(), colNameIsValid(), colNameLogicalToDisplay(), colNameLogicalToOdbc(), colNameNormalize(), colNameSet()
property disableSort as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Optional. If true, do not allow sorting on this column.
Property methods: disableSortDisplayToLogical(), disableSortGet(), disableSortIsValid(), disableSortLogicalToDisplay(), disableSortLogicalToOdbc(), disableSortLogicalToXSD(), disableSortNormalize(), disableSortSet(), disableSortXSDToLogical()
property filterEnum as %ZEN.Datatype.csv;
Optional. If filterType is "enum", this property defines the set of enumerated logical values used by the filter as a comma-delimited list.
Property methods: filterEnumDisplayToLogical(), filterEnumGet(), filterEnumIsValid(), filterEnumLogicalToDisplay(), filterEnumLogicalToOdbc(), filterEnumNormalize(), filterEnumSet()
property filterEnumDisplay as %ZEN.Datatype.csv (ZENLOCALIZE = 1);
Optional. If filterType is "enum", this property defines the set of enumerated display values used by the filter as a comma-delimited list.
The logical values are defined by filterEnum.
This is a localized value.
Property methods: filterEnumDisplayDisplayToLogical(), filterEnumDisplayGet(), filterEnumDisplayIsValid(), filterEnumDisplayLogicalToDisplay(), filterEnumDisplayLogicalToOdbc(), filterEnumDisplayNormalize(), filterEnumDisplaySet()
property filterLabel as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Optional. If defined, this is a label to display for the filter control. If there is a multi-part filter control (such as a range), then this is assumed to contain a comma-delimited list of labels.
Property methods: filterLabelDisplayToLogical(), filterLabelGet(), filterLabelIsValid(), filterLabelLogicalToDisplay(), filterLabelLogicalToOdbc(), filterLabelNormalize(), filterLabelSet()
property filterOp as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",%STARTSWITH,=,>=,<=,<>,>,<,[,IN,BETWEEN,%CONTAINS,UP[");
Optional. If this column has a filter, this is the name of the SQL operator that should be used in conjunction with the filter.
For UP[, filterValue will be converted to a case insensitive value.
For "IN", filterValue is treated as a csv-list of IN-clause values.
For "%CONTAINS", filterValue is treated as a csv-list of %CONTAINS-clause values.
For "BETWEEN", filterValue is treated as a csv-list of 2 values used for the BETWEEN clause of the query.
Property methods: filterOpDisplayToLogical(), filterOpGet(), filterOpIsValid(), filterOpLogicalToDisplay(), filterOpLogicalToOdbc(), filterOpNormalize(), filterOpSet()
property filterQuery as %ZEN.Datatype.sql;
Optional. If filterType is "query", this property defines the SQL statement used to provide the set of values for a drop-down list. If the query has more than 1 column, the first column is used as the logical value (this is what is used in a search) and the second column is used as a display value.
Property methods: filterQueryDisplayToLogical(), filterQueryGet(), filterQueryIsValid(), filterQueryLogicalToDisplay(), filterQueryLogicalToOdbc(), filterQueryNormalize(), filterQuerySet()
property filterTitle as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Optional. If this column has a filter, this is the tooltip text displayed for the filter control.
This is a localizable value.
Property methods: filterTitleDisplayToLogical(), filterTitleGet(), filterTitleIsValid(), filterTitleLogicalToDisplay(), filterTitleLogicalToOdbc(), filterTitleNormalize(), filterTitleSet()
property filterType as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",text,date,datetime,enum,query,custom");
Optional. If defined, specifies that this column should display a search filter box and what type of filter control to display.
If you do not provide a value for colName then the filter will not be created.
The possible filter types include:
  • "text" - display a text box.
  • "date" - display a date using a popup calendar control. If filterOp is "BETWEEN", then 2 controls are displayed.
  • "datetime" - same as "date" except that a complete timestamp (date and time) is used.
  • "enum" - display a set of enumerated values in a combobox. The possible choices are specified by filterEnum and filterEnumDisplay.
  • "query" - display a set of values in a combobox. The contents of the combobox are provided by executing the query specified by filterQuery.
  • "custom" - display a custom filter using the server-side callback method specified by OnDrawFilter.
Property methods: filterTypeDisplayToLogical(), filterTypeGet(), filterTypeIsValid(), filterTypeLogicalToDisplay(), filterTypeLogicalToOdbc(), filterTypeNormalize(), filterTypeSet()
property filterValue as %ZEN.Datatype.value;
Optional. Value of the column filter for this column.
Typically this acquires a value after user input, but you can set this property to define an initial value.
Property methods: filterValueDisplayToLogical(), filterValueGet(), filterValueIsValid(), filterValueLogicalToDisplay(), filterValueLogicalToOdbc(), filterValueNormalize(), filterValueSet()
Optional. If defined, use this value for the column header.
Property methods: headerDisplayToLogical(), headerGet(), headerIsValid(), headerLogicalToDisplay(), headerLogicalToOdbc(), headerNormalize(), headerSet()
property hidden as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENEXPRESSION = 1);
Optional. If true, do not display this column.
Property methods: hiddenDisplayToLogical(), hiddenGet(), hiddenIsValid(), hiddenLogicalToDisplay(), hiddenLogicalToOdbc(), hiddenLogicalToXSD(), hiddenNormalize(), hiddenSet(), hiddenXSDToLogical()
Optional. If defined, render this column as a link using this URL. If you want to invoke a method, start the URL with "javascript:":
Optionally, set this to "#" (to make the column display as a link) and use the onclick event for this column.
Property methods: linkDisplayToLogical(), linkGet(), linkIsValid(), linkLogicalToDisplay(), linkLogicalToOdbc(), linkNormalize(), linkSet()
property linkCaption as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Optional. If this column has an action (link or onclick) and does not contain data, then use this caption for the link. If linkCaption and linkImage is defined, linkCaption is used as alt text for the image.
Property methods: linkCaptionDisplayToLogical(), linkCaptionGet(), linkCaptionIsValid(), linkCaptionLogicalToDisplay(), linkCaptionLogicalToOdbc(), linkCaptionNormalize(), linkCaptionSet()
property linkConfirm as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Optional. If defined, and this column has a link, this is a confirmation message displayed before the link is executed.
If there is an onclick defined for this column, then this is ignored.
This is a localizable value.
Property methods: linkConfirmDisplayToLogical(), linkConfirmGet(), linkConfirmIsValid(), linkConfirmLogicalToDisplay(), linkConfirmLogicalToOdbc(), linkConfirmNormalize(), linkConfirmSet()
property linkImage as %ZEN.Datatype.uri;
Optional. If provided, link has to be defined. If defined, render this column as a link using the image provided by this URL pointing to the URI defined by link.
Property methods: linkImageDisplayToLogical(), linkImageGet(), linkImageIsValid(), linkImageLogicalToDisplay(), linkImageLogicalToOdbc(), linkImageNormalize(), linkImageSet()
property maxDate as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENEXPRESSION = 1);
Optional. If specified, this is the latest date allowed by the filter if filterType is dateTime. This is a date in the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
Property methods: maxDateDisplayToLogical(), maxDateGet(), maxDateIsValid(), maxDateLogicalToDisplay(), maxDateLogicalToOdbc(), maxDateNormalize(), maxDateSet()
property minDate as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENEXPRESSION = 1);
Optional. If specified, this is the earliest date allowed by the filter if filterType is dateTime. This is a date in the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
Property methods: minDateDisplayToLogical(), minDateGet(), minDateIsValid(), minDateLogicalToDisplay(), minDateLogicalToOdbc(), minDateNormalize(), minDateSet()
property onclick as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onclick event handler: This event is fired when the mouse is clicked within a cell in this column. If the column does not have data associated with it you will have to set the linkCaption property.
Note that this callback is called before the new row in the table is selected so you will not have the current selectedIndex for the table when this callback is fired. If you need that, use the tablePane's onselectrow callback.
Property methods: onclickDisplayToLogical(), onclickGet(), onclickIsValid(), onclickLogicalToDisplay(), onclickLogicalToOdbc(), onclickNormalize(), onclickSet()
property seed as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENEXPRESSION = 1);
Optional. This value is passed to the OnDrawCell() method associated with this column.
Property methods: seedDisplayToLogical(), seedGet(), seedIsValid(), seedLogicalToDisplay(), seedLogicalToOdbc(), seedNormalize(), seedSet()
property style as (ZENEXPRESSION = 1);
Optional. Additional style to apply to cells (td element) in this column.
This is a CSS style string: e.g., "color: red;"
Property methods: styleDisplayToLogical(), styleGet(), styleIsValid(), styleLogicalToDisplay(), styleLogicalToOdbc(), styleNormalize(), styleSet()
property title as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Optional. Tooltip help for column header. This is a localizable value.
Property methods: titleDisplayToLogical(), titleGet(), titleIsValid(), titleLogicalToDisplay(), titleLogicalToOdbc(), titleNormalize(), titleSet()
property width as %ZEN.Datatype.length (ZENEXPRESSION = 1);
Optional. If defined, use this value as the width of the column.
Property methods: widthDisplayToLogical(), widthGet(), widthIsValid(), widthLogicalToDisplay(), widthLogicalToOdbc(), widthNormalize(), widthSet()


clientmethod getColName() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the column name for this column.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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