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deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Display.class extends %ZEN.Report.Display.childrenNode

Specifies a style class for the report display. Classes represent CSS classes for HTML reports, and attribute-sets for PDF reports.

When naming a class, one should use something of the form "tag.class". The tags refer directly to HTML tags like <td>, <th>, <table>, <a>, <p>, etc. In the HTML report, this converts directly to CSS so that the cells of a table take on the style of td.theirclass, the header row/column takes on the style of th.theirclass, etc. In the PDF report, the tag names are different, but the use-attribute-set attribute is automatically adjusted to take this into account. That is, a table cell with class="test" will use the style defined by the tag <class name="td.test"/>. Similarly for <th>, <table>, <td>, <a>, <p>.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property children as list of %ZEN.Report.Display.att (XMLELEMENTREF = 1, XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT", XMLTYPECONSTRAINT = "CHOICE");
Property methods: childrenBuildValueArray(), childrenCollectionToDisplay(), childrenCollectionToOdbc(), childrenDisplayToCollection(), childrenGet(), childrenGetObject(), childrenGetObjectId(), childrenGetSwizzled(), childrenIsValid(), childrenOdbcToCollection(), childrenSet(), childrenSetObject(), childrenSetObjectId()
property name as %ZEN.Datatype.cssClass [ Required ];
CSS class name. See class description for details.
Property methods: nameDisplayToLogical(), nameGet(), nameIsValid(), nameLogicalToDisplay(), nameLogicalToOdbc(), nameNormalize(), nameSet()


method %DrawToHTML(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, delay As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef incell As %Boolean) as %Status
Inherited description: This method outputs the necessary stylesheet information for the HTML report. Every tag should override this method.
method %DrawToXSLFO(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, delay As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef incell As %Boolean) as %Status
Inherited description: This method outputs the necessary stylesheet information for the PDF report. Every tag should override this method.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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