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class EnsLib.EDI.SEF.Util.Scanner extends EnsLib.EDI.SEF.Util.TokenClassifier

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property CurrentChar as %String;
This holds the current character
Property methods: CurrentCharDisplayToLogical(), CurrentCharGet(), CurrentCharIsValid(), CurrentCharLogicalToDisplay(), CurrentCharLogicalToOdbc(), CurrentCharNormalize(), CurrentCharSet()
property CurrentToken as %Integer;
This holds the current token
Property methods: CurrentTokenDisplayToLogical(), CurrentTokenGet(), CurrentTokenIsValid(), CurrentTokenLogicalToDisplay(), CurrentTokenNormalize(), CurrentTokenSet()
property Index as %Integer;
This holds the current index into the source
Property methods: IndexDisplayToLogical(), IndexGet(), IndexIsValid(), IndexLogicalToDisplay(), IndexNormalize(), IndexSet()
property LexemeBegin as %Integer;
This holds the beggining of a lexeme
Property methods: LexemeBeginDisplayToLogical(), LexemeBeginGet(), LexemeBeginIsValid(), LexemeBeginLogicalToDisplay(), LexemeBeginNormalize(), LexemeBeginSet()
property Source as %RawString;
This holds the source to be scanner
Property methods: SourceGet(), SourceIsValid(), SourceSet()
property SourceLen as %Integer;
This holds the source length
Property methods: SourceLenDisplayToLogical(), SourceLenGet(), SourceLenIsValid(), SourceLenLogicalToDisplay(), SourceLenNormalize(), SourceLenSet()


method BeginLexeme()
This marks the beggining of a lexeme
method DisplayContext() as %String
Return a string which displays the current context
method EndLexeme() as %String
This marks the end of a lexeme and returns it
method Initialize(initvalue) as %Status
method NextToken() as %Integer
This advances the scanner by one token
method PeekNextChar() as %String
This peeks at the char without making it current
method PeekNextNextChar() as %String
This peeks at the one after next char without making it current
method PeekNextNextToken() as %Integer
This peeks at the one after next token without making it current
method PeekNextToken() as %Integer
This peeks at the next token without making it current
method SkipWhitespace() as %Integer
This skips spaces and tabs returning the next token found

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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