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class EnsLib.SOAP.InboundAdapter extends EnsLib.TCP.InboundAdapter

Base adapter class for Automatic SOAP WebServices

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter Mode = SW;
Override the Device Mode that will be used to open the TCP socket
parameter SETTINGS = EnableStandardRequests:Connection,AdapterURL:Connection;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file format is a comma separated list of property names


property %SplitBody as %Integer (VALUELIST = ",0,1,2") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Set to 1 to enable splitting of the SOAP Body into a separate stream and excluding it from the Envelope and Headers stream. This avoids a full XML parse of the Body and also injects any namespace declarations from the Envelope into the opening Body tag. Set to 2 to do this and call ProcessBody() directly without processing any of the SOAP headers.
Property methods: %SplitBodyDisplayToLogical(), %SplitBodyGet(), %SplitBodyIsValid(), %SplitBodyLogicalToDisplay(), %SplitBodyNormalize(), %SplitBodySet()
property %ToLowerHeaderVars as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Set this to 0 to prevent normalizing of HTTP header variable names to lowercase
Property methods: %ToLowerHeaderVarsDisplayToLogical(), %ToLowerHeaderVarsGet(), %ToLowerHeaderVarsIsValid(), %ToLowerHeaderVarsLogicalToDisplay(), %ToLowerHeaderVarsNormalize(), %ToLowerHeaderVarsSet()
property AdapterURL as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
A specific URL for the Service to accept requests on. For SOAP Services invoked through the SOAP Inbound Adapter on a custom local port, this setting allows a custom URL to be used instead of the standard csp/namespace/classname style of URL.
Property methods: AdapterURLDisplayToLogical(), AdapterURLGet(), AdapterURLIsValid(), AdapterURLLogicalToDisplay(), AdapterURLLogicalToOdbc(), AdapterURLNormalize(), AdapterURLSet()
property EnableStandardRequests as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Listen via the CSP WebServer, if any, in addition to listening on the custom local port.

Note that SSLConfig only applies to the custom local port. To use SSL via the CSP WebServer, you must configure the WebServer separately.

Also note that AdapterURL only applies to the custom local port. If the Service is invoked via the CSP WebServer, the ?CfgItem= URL parameter may be used to distinguish between multiple configured same-class Services but the standard csp/namespace/classname URL must be used.

Property methods: EnableStandardRequestsDisplayToLogical(), EnableStandardRequestsGet(), EnableStandardRequestsIsValid(), EnableStandardRequestsLogicalToDisplay(), EnableStandardRequestsNormalize(), EnableStandardRequestsSet()
property Port as Ens.DataType.TCPAgentPort [ InitialExpression = "1980" , Required ];
Local TCP port to listen on for SOAP requests (possibly in addition to listening via the CSP WebServer, if any).
Property methods: PortDisplayToLogical(), PortGet(), PortIsValid(), PortLogicalToDisplay(), PortLogicalToOdbc(), PortNormalize(), PortSet()
property Terminators as %String [ InitialExpression = $C(10) ];
Inherited description: Read-terminator character or characters, if any, for subclasses that do terminated reads.
Property methods: TerminatorsDisplayToLogical(), TerminatorsGet(), TerminatorsIsValid(), TerminatorsLogicalToDisplay(), TerminatorsLogicalToOdbc(), TerminatorsNormalize(), TerminatorsSet()


method OnConnected() as %Status
method OnInit() as %Status
Inherited description: This user callback method is called just after %OnNew()
classmethod faultStream(pStatus As %Status, pBHost As EnsLib.SOAP.Service, pSOAPVer As %String) as %GlobalCharacterStream
classmethod faultString(pStatus As %Status, pBHost As EnsLib.SOAP.Service, pSOAPVer As %String = "1.1") as %String

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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