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Managing Task Groups (2.10)

The Business Scheduler provides an option to organize tasks into groups. There are two types of task groups:

  • Ordinary groups. These groups cannot be scheduled; their only purpose is to visually organize the Business Scheduler Dashboard.

  • Schedule groups. These groups can be scheduled.

For each task group, the Business Scheduler summarizes the statuses of all the tasks in the group; by design, this is the most important status of the group. For instance, if all tasks in a group are Running, but one task is in Error, the group summary status is Error. This way, even when a group is collapsed, the Business Scheduler displays the status that most needs attention.


In addition to the options described on this page, you can move tasks into and out of groups by editing the tasks as you do with other kinds of changes to the tasks.

Creating an Ordinary Group

To create an ordinary group:

  1. Click the Business Scheduler icon in the application menu.

  2. Click Create in the upper right and then click Group.

  3. Enter a value for Task Group Name.

  4. Click Submit.

Creating a Schedule Group

To create a schedule group:

  1. Click the Business Scheduler icon in the application menu.

  2. Click Create in the upper right and then click Scheduled Group.

    The system then displays a page where you specify the schedule details. This page requires the same information as when you schedule a task. See Scheduling a Task.

  3. Click Save Task.

Moving a Task into a Group

To move a task into a group, you can move the cursor onto the selector at the start of the row for that task and then drag and drop to the row for a task group. Or you can do the following:

  1. Click the Business Scheduler icon in the application menu.

  2. Right-click in the row for the task that you want to move.

  3. Click Change Group.

  4. Select an existing Task Group.

  5. Click Submit.

If you move a task into a schedule group, the entity governing the scheduling for that task is reset to equal the entity that governs the schedule group. For example, suppose that Task A uses the entity US and Schedule Group 100 uses the entity EU. If you move Task A into Schedule Group 100, the entity for Task A becomes EU. Similarly, the schedule option Run On Schedule is not supported for tasks within a schedule group. If Task A uses Run On Schedule, when you move that task into Schedule Group 100, its schedule option is changed to Run with Group.

Moving a Task out of a Group

To move a task out of a group (but not into a new group), you can move the cursor onto the selector at the start of the row for that task and then drag and drop to bottom of the table. Or you can do the following:

  1. Click the Business Scheduler icon in the application menu.

  2. Right-click in the row for the task that you want to move.

  3. Click Ungroup.

Renaming a Task Group

To rename a task group:

  1. Click the Business Scheduler icon in the application menu.

  2. Right-click in the row for the task group that you want to rename.

  3. Click Rename Group.

  4. Enter a new value for Task Group Name.

  5. Click Submit.

Deleting a Task Group

To delete a task group:

  1. Click the Business Scheduler icon in the application menu.

  2. Move all tasks out of the group that you want to delete.

  3. Right-click in the row for the task group.

  4. Click Delete Group.

See Also

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