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Defining Plug-ins

This page describes how to define plug-ins, which are a specialized form of Business Intelligence KPI.


Before reading this page, be sure to read all other articles on KPIs.

For a comparison of plug-ins with other kinds of model elements, see Summary of Model Options.

Also see Accessing the BI Samples.


A plug-in is a class that defines one or more computations to use in the Analyzer and in queries. A plug-in has the following features:

  • In any given context, the plug-in instance has access to the lowest-level data.

  • It can accept parameters.

  • It executes asynchronously. When the plug-in is used in a pivot table, the system can display the plug-in current status (as the string n% complete) in any pending cells.

    The pivot table automatically refreshes when the results are available.

  • Values returned by the plug-in are cached.

Plug-ins are especially appropriate for complex or time-consuming computations. For example, you might have a computation that uses several different parts of the source record, as well as external information; a plug-in would be suitable in this case.

How Plug-ins Can Be Used

Depending on the plug-in class, you can use it in some or all of the following ways:

  • With the MDX %KPI function (which also enables you to specify values for any parameters). This is possible in all cases.

    This means that in all cases, you can define a calculated member that uses the plug-in. (For information on defining calculated members, see Defining Calculated Members.)

  • Directly in the Analyzer and in widgets. This is possible if the PLUGINTYPE class parameter is "Pivot" and the PUBLIC class parameter is 1 (the default).

    To create a plug-in that cannot be directly used in the Analyzer or in widgets, specify PLUGINTYPE as "Aggregate". Or specify PUBLIC as 0.

Available Plug-in Classes

The %DeepSee.PlugIn package provides several plug-in classes for you to use in calculated measures. These classes are as follows:

Another sample plug-in class is BI.Model.KPIs.PluginDemo. This plug-in class is defined with PLUGINTYPE as "Pivot" and thus can be used directly.

Samples That Demonstrate Plug-ins

Within the BI samples, see the dashboards in the KPIs & Plug-ins folder:

  • The dashboard HoleFoods Plug-ins uses the calculated measures Median Revenue and 90th Percentile Revenue, which are defined in the HoleFoods cube. These measures use the %KPI function to retrieve values from the sample plug-in classes %DeepSee.PlugIn.MedianOpens in a new tab and %DeepSee.PlugIn.PercentileOpens in a new tab.

  • The dashboard Patients Plug-ins has a pivot table that uses the calculated measures Median Test Score and 90th Percentile Test Score. These calculated members are defined in the Patients cube, in a similar manner to the ones in the previous bullet.

    This dashboard contains another pivot table, which directly uses the plug-in defined by the sample class BI.Model.KPIs.PluginDemo.

Requirements for a Simple Plug-in

To define a simple plug-in, create a class as follows:

  • Use %DeepSee.KPIPlugInOpens in a new tab as a superclass.

  • Define an XData block named KPI that specifies at least one property. For example:

    XData KPI [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
    <kpi name="PluginDemo" displayName="PluginDemo" caption="PluginDemo" >
    <property name="PatientCount" displayName="PatientCount" />
    <property name="HighScoreCount" displayName="HighScoreCount" />

    You can also include filters, as with other KPIs.

    For details, see Reference Information for KPI and Plug-in Classes.

  • Specify the BASECUBE class parameter. For a simple plug-in, specify the logical name of a single cube or subject area. (But also see Creating a Plug-in for Multiple Cubes, later in this page.)

  • Specify the base MDX query to use. Either specify the mdx attribute of <kpi> or implement the %OnGetMDX() method in the following generic way:

    Method %OnGetMDX(ByRef pMDX As %String) As %Status
        Set pMDX = "SELECT FROM "_..#BASECUBE
        Quit $$$OK

    InterSystems IRIS automatically applies context information (row, column, and filter) to this base query.

  • Specify the fields that need to be available to the %OnCompute method. These can be fields in the source table of the cube or can be fields in the fact table. You can specify a hardcoded list, or you can use a callback to define the list of fields.

    To specify these fields:

    • If the fields you want to use are in the fact table, specify the LISTINGSOURCE class parameter as "FactTable". (For details on the fact table, see Details for the Fact and Dimension Tables.)

      If you omit this parameter or specify it as "SourceTable", the plug-in queries the source table of the given cube.

    • If you want to specify a hardcoded list of field names, specify the LISTINGFIELDS class parameter. Specify a comma-separated list of fields to use.

      For example:

      Parameter LISTINGFIELDS = "Field1, Field2, Field3";

      You can specify an alias for any field. For example:

      Parameter LISTINGFIELDS = "Field1, Field2 as FieldAlias, Field3";

      You can also use arrow syntax and SQL functions, as with other listings.

      If you use arrow syntax, be sure to specify an alias for the field.

    • Or if you want to define the list of fields programmatically, implement the %OnGetListingFields() method. For example, the following method causes the plug-in to retrieve a single field:

      Method %OnGetListingFields() As %String
          //could use an API to get the field name, but in this case factName is set 
          //so the field name is known
          Set tListingFields = "MxTestScore"
          Quit tListingFields

      For information, see Defining a Listing for a KPI.


    For a plug-in, the LISTINGFIELDS parameter and the %OnGetListingFields() do not define a detail listing or any listing fields. These options only define the fields that are available to the %OnCompute() method.

  • Implement the %OnCompute() method. The following section provides details on this task.

  • Optionally specify the PLUGINTYPE and PUBLIC class parameters. See How Plug-ins Can Be Used.

Implementing %OnCompute()

For each pivot table cell where the plug-in is used, the plug-in performs either a DRILLTHROUGH or DRILLFACTS query (depending on the value of LISTINGSOURCE) and returns the fields specified by LISTINGFIELDS or %OnGetListingFields() (as applicable). It then passes the field values to the %OnCompute() method. This method has the following signature:

Method %OnCompute(pSQLRS As %SQL.StatementResult, pFactCount As %Integer) As %Status


In your implementation of this method, do the following:

  1. Iterate through the statement result. To do so, use the %Next() method of this instance.

  2. As needed, retrieve values for each row. The statement result instance (pSQLRS) provides one property for each field in the listing query; the name of the property is the same as the field name.

    For example, in the previous section, %OnGetListingFields() retrieves a single field, MxTextScore. In this case, pSQLRS has a property named MxTextScore.

  3. Perform the desired computations.

  4. Set the properties of the plug-in instance, as described in Defining Advanced KPIs. At a minimum, set the following properties:

    • %seriesCount — Specifies the number of series (rows) in this plug-in.

      InterSystems recommends that plug-ins have only one series. (For plug-ins with PLUGINTYPE equal to "Pivot", when a user drags and drops a plug-in property, the Analyzer uses only the first series.)

    • %seriesNames(n) — Specifies the name of the series n, where n is an integer.

    • %data(n,propname) — Specifies the value of the given property (propname), for the series n.

      The property name must exactly match the name of a <property> in the XData block.

For example:

 // place answer in KPI output
 set ..%seriesCount = 1
 set ..%seriesNames(1) = "PluginDemo"
 //set Count property of KPI -- just use received pFactCount
 set ..%data(1,"PatientCount") = pFactCount
 // iterate through result set to get HighScoreCount 
 set n = 0
 set highcount = 0
 while (pSQLRS.%Next()) {
   set n = n + 1

   set testscore = pSQLRS.MxTestScore
   if (testscore>95) {
     Set highcount = highcount + 1
  if (pSQLRS.%SQLCODE < 0) {write "%Next failed:", !, "SQLCODE ", pSQLRS.%SQLCODE, ": ", pSQLRS.%Message quit}

 set ..%data(1,"HighScoreCount") = highcount

This is an extract from the sample class BI.Model.KPIs.PluginDemo, which is available in the Analyzer for use with the Patients cube.

Indicating State of Completion

Plug-ins are executed asynchronously. When a query containing plug-ins is executed, the query can be complete before the plug-ins have completed execution. In this case, there are cells whose results are pending. Within these cells, you can display the plug-in current status (as the string n% complete). To do so, within %OnCompute(), periodically invoke the %SetPercentComplete() instance method; the argument is an integer between 0 and 100. For example, you could do the following while iterating through the statement result:

    // update pct complete
    If (n#100 = 0) {
        Do ..%SetPercentComplete(100*(n/pFactCount))

The appropriate approach depends on the logic in %OnCompute(). In some cases, the majority of the computation time might occur outside of this iteration.

The pivot table automatically refreshes when the results are available.

Creating a Plug-in for Multiple Cubes

The previous sections describe how to create a plug-in that can be used with a single cube or subject area. You can also create a plug-in that can be used in multiple cubes. In practice, this is difficult to do because it is usually necessary to programmatically determine the fields to query.

To create a plug-in that you can use with multiple cubes, use the following additional instructions:

  • Specify the BASECUBE class parameter as one of the following:

    • A comma-separated list of logical cube or subject area names

    • "*" — refers to all cubes and subject areas in this namespace

    This option determines which cubes and subject areas can use the plug-in.

  • Include the following filter definition within the XData block:

    <filter name="%cube" displayName="Subject Area" />

    The name must be %cube but you can use any value for the display name.

    When you use this plug-in within the Analyzer (if applicable), the system passes the name of the current cube or subject area to this filter. Similarly, when you use this plug-in within an MDX query, the FROM clause of the query determines the value of this filter.

  • Implement the %OnGetMDX() method so that it uses the value of the %cube filter. For example:

    Method %OnGetMDX(ByRef pMDX As %String) As %Status
        Set tBaseCube = ""
        // Use %cube filter to find the base cube
        If $IsObject(..%filterValues) {
            If (..%filterValues.%cube'="") {
                Set tBaseCube = ..%filterValues.%cube
        If (tBaseCube'="") {
            Set pMDX = "SELECT FROM "_tBaseCube
        Quit $$$OK
  • Ensure that the listing query can work with all the desired cubes and subject areas. Either:

    • For hardcoded listings, use only fields that are suitable in all cases.

    • Programmatically determine the fields to use.

For examples, see %DeepSee.PlugIn.MedianOpens in a new tab and %DeepSee.PlugIn.PercentileOpens in a new tab.

Determining the Listing Fields Programmatically

If the query for the plug-in specifies LISTINGSOURCE as "FactTable", there are additional tools that enable you to programmatically determine the fields to use in %OnGetListingSQL(). You can do the following:

  • Include the following filter definition within the XData block:

    <filter name="%measure" displayName="Measure" />

    The name must be %measure but you can use any value for the display name. This filter provides a list of all measures defined in the applicable cube or subject area.

  • Implement the %OnGetListingSQL() method as follows:

    1. Examine the value of the %measure filter.

    2. Use the %GetDimensionInfo() method of the %DeepSee.Utils class to retrieve, by reference, information about the selected measure.

      Use this information as input for the next step.

    3. Use the %GetDimensionFact() method of the %DeepSee.Utils class to retrieve the name of the field that stores the selected measure.

  • Optionally implement the %OnGetListingOrderBy() and %OnGetListingMaxRows() callbacks. For details, see the class reference for %DeepSee.KPIPlugInOpens in a new tab.

For examples, see %DeepSee.PlugIn.MedianOpens in a new tab and %DeepSee.PlugIn.PercentileOpens in a new tab. Also see the class reference for the %DeepSee.Utils class.

Filtering the Listing

Plug-ins provide a feature that is not available in other scenarios: namely, the ability to specify which records to use when a detail listing is displayed. By default, when a user requests a detail listing for a given cell or set of cells in the results, the system displays a listing that shows all the records associated with those cells. In some cases, however, it is preferable to show a subset of them. For example, the sample class BI.Model.KPIs.PluginDemo has a plug-in property called HighScoreCount. The following shows an example MDX query that uses this plug-in property as a measure:

SELECT NON EMPTY {[Measures].[%COUNT],%KPI("PluginDemo","HighScoreCount",,"%CONTEXT")} ON 0,
NON EMPTY [AllerSevD].[H1].[Allergy Severities].Members ON 1 FROM [PATIENTS]
                       Patient Count       HighScoreCount
1 Nil known allergi               158                   12
2 Minor                           113                    7
3 Moderate                        103                    5
4 Life-threatening                133                    9
5 Inactive                        122                    8
6 Unable to determi               119                    6
7 No Data Available               385                   29

Consider the row for Nil known allergies. If you display a listing for either cell, by default, the system displays a listing that consists of 158 records, because there are 158 patients with no known allergies. But the purpose of the HighScoreCount measure is to count the patients with scores above a given threshold, so when we display the detail listing for the cell HighScoreCount in this row, we might prefer to see only the patients with scores above that threshold.

To apply this sort of filtering to a plug-in, include the following logic in your implementation of %OnCompute(), for any source class ID that should be shown in the listing:

   set ..%data("IDLIST",pluginProperty,sourceClassID) = ""

Where pluginProperty is the name of the plug-in property that should use this filtering, and sourceClassID is the ID in the source class. (The ID should be a source class ID even if plug-in otherwise uses the fact class. To make the source class ID available to the plug-in, add %sourceId to the field list.)

For a given plug-in property, if %data("IDLIST",pluginProperty) is not defined, the listing shows all the records associated with the given cell or cells.


To see an example, edit the sample class BI.Model.KPIs.PluginDemo as follows:

  1. Change LISTINGFIELDS to be the following:

    Parameter LISTINGFIELDS As STRING = "%sourceId,MxTestScore";
  2. Find the part of %OnCompute() that sets the highcount variable, and modify it as follows:

            if (testscore>95) {
                Set highcount = highcount + 1
                Set tHighScoreId = pSQLRS.sourceId
                Set ..%data("IDLIST","HighScoreCount",tHighScoreId)=""
  3. Save and recompile the class.

Then, in the Analyzer, create a pivot table that uses both properties of this plug-in (for purposes of comparison). Select a cell that displays the HighScoreCount property, display a listing, and notice that only patients with a high score are shown. For contrast, select a cell that displays the PatientCount property and display a listing for that. In this case, you will see patients with all scores.

Available Error Logging

If a plug-in encounters an error, the system writes to the error log file in the manager’s directory. The name of this file is DeepSeeTasks_namespace.log.

Defining a Calculated Member That Uses a Plug-in

For any plug-in (and any other KPI), you can create a calculated member that retrieves values from it. Then users can drag and drop this member within the Analyzer. To create such a calculated member:

  • Define a calculated measure as described in Defining a Calculated Measure.

  • For Expression, specify an MDX expression of the following form:


    Where pluginname is the name of the plug-in, propertyname is the name of the property, and seriesname is the name of the series. You can omit seriesname; if you do, this function accesses the first series in the plug-in.

    "%CONTEXT" is a special parameter that provides row, column, and filter context to the plug-in; this information is passed to the base MDX query used by the plug-in.

    For example (for a plug-in with only 1 series):


    For plug-ins with PLUGINTYPE equal to "Pivot", when a user drags and drops a plug-in property, the Analyzer automatically uses syntax like this in the underlying MDX query that it generates.

    For additional options, see %KPI.

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