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class %Api.InteropEditors.v2.disp extends %Api.InteropEditors.base.dispParent

Interoperability Editor API for InterSystems IRIS Dispatch class defined by RESTSpec in %Api.InteropEditors.v2.spec

This class was generated by : %Api.InteropEditors.v2.spec.cls

Method Inventory


By default convert the input stream to Unicode
parameter IgnoreWrites = 1;
Ignore any writes done directly by the REST method.
parameter SpecificationClass = %Api.InteropEditors.v2.spec;
The class containing the RESTSpec which generated this class


classmethod CompileRule(pnamespace As %String, pruleClass As %String) as %Status
Compile this rule class.
classmethod DispatchPlugin(pnamespace As %String, ppluginPath As %String) as %Status
Dispatch to plugin endpoint.
classmethod GetClassSummaries(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get summaries of non-hidden classes in this namespace.
classmethod GetConstraintOptions(pnamespace As %String, passistClass As %String) as %Status
Get a list of constraint options for this rule type.
classmethod GetContextInputs(pnamespace As %String, pcontextClass As %String) as %Status
Get information on this context class.
classmethod GetContextTypes(pnamespace As %String, pcontextClass As %String) as %Status
Get list of context types
classmethod GetDocTypes(pnamespace As %String, passistClassName As %String) as %Status
Get a list of doctype names and categories for specified assist class
classmethod GetExpiry() as %Status
Get the expiry of the current session
classmethod GetInputPluginsList(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get list of input plugins.
classmethod GetLanguage() as %Status
Get the language for this session
classmethod GetLookupTables(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get a list of lookup tables in this namespace.
classmethod GetMgmtUrl(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get the 'path' portion of the Interoperability management URL for a given namespace.
classmethod GetPackages(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get a list of defined packages.
classmethod GetPermissions() as %Status
Get a list of permissions for the current user and namespaces they can access.
classmethod GetProductionConfigItems(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get a list of production configuration items.
classmethod GetProductionItems(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get a list of production items in rule.
classmethod GetProductions(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get a list of productions.
classmethod GetPropertyList(pnamespace As %String, passistClassName As %String) as %Status
Get the property list for this rule type.
classmethod GetRule(pnamespace As %String, pruleClass As %String) as %Status
Get this rule class.
classmethod GetRuleTypeSchema(pnamespace As %String, passistClassName As %String) as %Status
Get the schema for this rule type.
classmethod GetRuleTypes(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get a list of rule types available on the server.
classmethod GetRules(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get a list of rule classes available on the server.
classmethod GetSystemMode() as %Status
Get the system mode of this instance.
classmethod GetTestingInputs(pnamespace As %String, pruleClass As %String) as %Status
Get information on this class.
classmethod GetTransforms(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Get a list of data transforms.
classmethod Logout() as %Status
Terminate CSP Session.
classmethod PostRule(pnamespace As %String, pruleClass As %String) as %Status
Create a new rule class.
classmethod PutRule(pnamespace As %String, pruleClass As %String) as %Status
Overwrite this rule class.
classmethod SetLanguage(planguage As %String) as %Status
Set the language for this session
classmethod SourceControlAfterUserAction(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Requests Source Control After User Action for the given parameters
classmethod SourceControlEnabled(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Returns enabled true or false if Source Control Enabled for the namespace
classmethod SourceControlGetMenus(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Returns Source Control Menu for the given parameters
classmethod SourceControlGetStatus(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Requests Source Control GetStatus for the given parameters
classmethod SourceControlUserAction(pnamespace As %String) as %Status
Requests Source Control User Action for the given parameters
classmethod TestRule(pnamespace As %String, pruleClass As %String) as %Status
Run rule and return logs

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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