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class %CSP.UI.Portal.About extends %CSP.UI.Portal.Template

This is the Zen version of the About page for System Management Portal.

Method Inventory


parameter AUTONS = 0;
Do not switch namespace for this page: it needs to stay in %SYS
parameter PAGENAME = About This System;
Class name of application this page belongs to. Parameter APPLICATION = "%CSP.UI.Portal.Application"; Displayed name of this page.


Return the array of links to show in the locator bar.
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Get the (localized) name of the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetSmallMenu(Output pMenu)
Inherited description: Get the contents of the small menu in the title area.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
classmethod ChangeLang(preflang As %String) as %Boolean [ ZenMethod ]
Change preferred language for this session and page
classmethod DrawSysInfo(pSeed As %String) as %Status
method OnGetRibbonInfo(Output pDisplay As %Boolean, Output pViewIcons As %List, Output pSortOptions As %List, Output pSearchBox As %Boolean, Output pRibbonTitle As %String, Output pCommands As %List) as %Status
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
classmethod TimeSince() as %String
Returns last InterSystems IRIS start time.
clientmethod callChangeLang(preflang As %String) [ Language = javascript ]
User clicked to change preferred language.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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