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class %DeepSee.Query.constant extends %DeepSee.Query.node

This class defines a constant within a DeepSee query.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property finalValue as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "none") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Internal flag used for subquery functions--true means that the subquery has run and this value is the result of the query.
Property methods: finalValueDisplayToLogical(), finalValueGet(), finalValueIsValid(), finalValueLogicalToDisplay(), finalValueLogicalToXSD(), finalValueNormalize(), finalValueSet(), finalValueXSDToLogical()
property formatString as %String (MAXLEN = 255, XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Format string to apply to this member.
Property methods: formatStringDisplayToLogical(), formatStringGet(), formatStringIsValid(), formatStringLogicalToDisplay(), formatStringLogicalToOdbc(), formatStringNormalize(), formatStringSet()
property label as %DeepSee.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute") [ InitialExpression = "Constant" ];
Axis label used for this constant.
Property methods: labelDisplayToLogical(), labelGet(), labelIsValid(), labelLogicalToDisplay(), labelLogicalToOdbc(), labelNormalize(), labelSet()
property origValue as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
If the value is a finalValue, this is used to remember the original value of the constant.
Property methods: origValueDisplayToLogical(), origValueGet(), origValueIsValid(), origValueLogicalToDisplay(), origValueLogicalToOdbc(), origValueNormalize(), origValueSet()
property type as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
If known, this is the type of the constant: "string" or "number".
This is used to keep track of string numerics: "123" v 123.
Property methods: typeDisplayToLogical(), typeGet(), typeIsValid(), typeLogicalToDisplay(), typeLogicalToOdbc(), typeNormalize(), typeSet()


method %GetType() as %String
Return the type of this node.
method %ResolveValue() as %Status
If our value is a named parameter, resolve it.
We do this as soon as we are first asked for our value and then we hold onto the resolved value.
method %ToString(Output pSC As %Status) as %String
Convert this node to its text representation.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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