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class %Monitor.System.Processes extends %Monitor.System.Adaptor, %Monitor.System.Abstract, %Monitor.System.AbstractGlobals

Monitor system metrics by process.

This class, and others that inherit from %Monitor.System.Abstract, provides an object API to the same system metrics as the ^PERFMON utility. Instantiating this class also starts the collection of ^PERFMON system metrics, which can have a significant impact on a busy system. Note that stopping ^PERFMON will also disable the sampling here.

Properties are inherited from AbstractGlobals.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Pid as %Monitor.Integer;
Process id
Property methods: PidDisplayToLogical(), PidGet(), PidIsValid(), PidLogicalToDisplay(), PidNormalize(), PidSet()


method GetSample() as %Status
Get process metric sample A return code of $$$OK indicates there is a new sample instance. A return code of 0 indicates there is no sample instance.
method Initialize() as %Status
Initialize process metrics
method Startup() as %Status
On Startup enable PERFMON

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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