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deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Display.img extends %ZEN.Report.Display.childrenNode, %ZEN.Report.Display.tableOutput

Renders an image into the report display.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property altText as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLNAME = "alt-text");
Property methods: altTextDisplayToLogical(), altTextGet(), altTextIsValid(), altTextLogicalToDisplay(), altTextLogicalToOdbc(), altTextNormalize(), altTextSet()
property contentHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.length;
Specifies the height of the image.
Property methods: contentHeightDisplayToLogical(), contentHeightGet(), contentHeightIsValid(), contentHeightLogicalToDisplay(), contentHeightLogicalToOdbc(), contentHeightNormalize(), contentHeightSet()
property contentType as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLNAME = "content-type");
Specifies the content-type of the image
Property methods: contentTypeDisplayToLogical(), contentTypeGet(), contentTypeIsValid(), contentTypeLogicalToDisplay(), contentTypeLogicalToOdbc(), contentTypeNormalize(), contentTypeSet()
property contentWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.length;
Specifies the width of the image.
Property methods: contentWidthDisplayToLogical(), contentWidthGet(), contentWidthIsValid(), contentWidthLogicalToDisplay(), contentWidthLogicalToOdbc(), contentWidthNormalize(), contentWidthSet()
property field as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Property methods: fieldDisplayToLogical(), fieldGet(), fieldIsValid(), fieldLogicalToDisplay(), fieldLogicalToOdbc(), fieldNormalize(), fieldSet()
property group as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Property methods: groupDisplayToLogical(), groupGet(), groupIsValid(), groupLogicalToDisplay(), groupLogicalToOdbc(), groupNormalize(), groupSet()
property height as %ZEN.Datatype.length;
Specifies the height of the image.
Property methods: heightDisplayToLogical(), heightGet(), heightIsValid(), heightLogicalToDisplay(), heightLogicalToOdbc(), heightNormalize(), heightSet()
property removeEmpty as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: removeEmptyDisplayToLogical(), removeEmptyGet(), removeEmptyIsValid(), removeEmptyLogicalToDisplay(), removeEmptyLogicalToOdbc(), removeEmptyLogicalToXSD(), removeEmptyNormalize(), removeEmptySet(), removeEmptyXSDToLogical()
property src as %ZEN.Datatype.uri [ Required ];
Specifies the source of the image. If the src attribute begins with an exclamation point, it is interpreted as an XPath expression just as in the field attribute of the <item> tag. This allows you to dynamically generate URLs within the XML data, and then use these customized URLs as the image source. Note: when using ! to dynamically get the image URL, it must be an absolute URL or it will not appear in the PDF report.
Property methods: srcDisplayToLogical(), srcGet(), srcIsValid(), srcLogicalToDisplay(), srcLogicalToOdbc(), srcNormalize(), srcSet()
property width as %ZEN.Datatype.length;
Specifies the width of the image.
Property methods: widthDisplayToLogical(), widthGet(), widthIsValid(), widthLogicalToDisplay(), widthLogicalToOdbc(), widthNormalize(), widthSet()


method %DrawToHTML(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, delay As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef incell As %Boolean) as %Status
Inherited description: This method outputs the necessary stylesheet information for the HTML report. Every tag should override this method.
method %DrawToXSLFO(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, delay As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef incell As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Inherited description: This method outputs the necessary stylesheet information for the PDF report. Every tag should override this method.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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