class %ZHSLIB.HealthShareMgr extends %Library.EnsembleMgr
Method Inventory
- AddDelegated()
- CheckDBInstalled()
- ComponentUpgrade()
- ConfigureComponent()
- DefineLibraryDBs()
- EnableFoundationNamespace()
- EnableHealthShareNamespace()
- FixSystemSecurityVersion()
- GetAuthNS()
- GetCSPAppPath()
- GetDBNSInfo()
- GetHealthShareNamespaceIsAllInOnePatientIndex()
- GetHealthShareNamespaceType()
- GetSystemPortalWebAppNameList()
- InitializeHealthShare()
- InsertStartupItem()
- InstallComponent()
- InstanceType()
- IsAuditInstance()
- IsFoundationInstalled()
- IsHealthConnectInstance()
- IsHealthShareInstalled()
- IsHealthShareInstance()
- IsHealthShareNamespace()
- IsIRISHealthInstance()
- IsRunningAuditInstance()
- LoadLocalizedMessages()
- MapComponent()
- MapZHSLIBForAll()
- OnStartHealthShare()
- RemoveENSDEMO()
- RemoveMPRLLIB()
- RemoveStartupItem()
- ReportPackageHash()
- ResetComponent()
- TypeFoundationNamespaces()
- UnInstallComponent()
- UnconfigureComponent()
- UpdateComponentsVersion()
- UpdateEnsembleCSPApplicationForNamespace()
- UpdateSystemWebAppsAutheEnabled()
- UpdateXSLTFiles()
- ValidateComponent()
- VersionInfo()
parameter RequiredStartupItemBase = %ZHSLIB.AbstractStartupItem;
classmethod AddDelegated() as %Boolean
For HealthShare, this is called to enable system wide delegated authentication.
Returns 0 if no changes were made.
classmethod CheckDBInstalled(pDB="") as %Boolean
classmethod ComponentUpgrade(pDB="", pPreviousVersion="", pVerbose=0) as %Status
classmethod ConfigureComponent(pDB="", pNamespace="", pVerbose=0, ByRef pVars) as %Status
Add mappings for a Namespace and additional configuration items
classmethod EnableFoundationNamespace(pTargetNS As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 0, ByRef pIsPrimary As %Boolean = 1, pFromEnableEnsemble As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Deprecated call, replaced with EnableHealthShareNamespace
Create Foundation namespace
pFromEnableEnsemble is for when this gets called by %Library.EnsembleMgr. In that case,
a database has already been created, and we're enabling the namespace for Ensemble
classmethod FixSystemSecurityVersion()
Helper method for customers on IRIS 2020.1 based versions of HS to fix their
security version due to the core-tech adhoc of IRIS for those HS versions providing
a higher security version than it should have had.
This method can be run from any namespace.
This method can be run from any namespace.
classmethod GetAuthNS() as %String
Namespace to use for executing calls to Hub / Registry
classmethod GetCSPAppPath(pApplication="") as %String
classmethod GetDBNSInfo(pNamespace As %String, Output pInfo As %DynamicObject) as %Boolean
Fetch structure about a namespaces' globalsDatabase, whether it is mirrored, and the resource name.
@Throws This method throws unexpected errors
@Argument pNamespace A namespace name
@Argument pInfo A variable by reference which will be populated with a dynamic object about the namespace and globals database
@ReturnValue Boolean value whether Namespace exists
@Throws This method throws unexpected errors
@Argument pNamespace A namespace name
@Argument pInfo A variable by reference which will be populated with a dynamic object about the namespace and globals database
@ReturnValue Boolean value whether Namespace exists
Returns true if the namespace contains an All-In-One Patient Index configuration
Returns Hub, EdgeGateway, etc., or null if the namespace is not a HealthShare component namespace
classmethod GetSystemPortalWebAppNameList() as %Library.List
Returns a $ListBuild() list of web app names used by the core Management
Initialize HealthShare
API method for adding an item to the startup table.
- pClass: (required) Class name for startup item. Will be treated as unique - multiple adds of the same class will end up with only single startup item. Class must extend %ZHSLIB.AbstractStartupItem either directly or indirectly.
API method for adding an item to the startup table.
- pClass: (required) Class name for startup item. Will be treated as unique - multiple adds of the same class will end up with only single startup item. Class must extend %ZHSLIB.AbstractStartupItem either directly or indirectly.
classmethod InstallComponent(pDB As %String = "", pVerbose As %Boolean = 0, pDev As %Boolean = 0, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod InstanceType() as %Integer
0 - HealthShare $$$HSisHealthShare
1 - Connect $$$HSisHealthConnect
2 - IRISforHealth $$$HSisIRISforHealth
This is used as we are configuring audit database connections
classmethod IsFoundationInstalled() as %Boolean
Deprecated - should no longer be used
classmethod IsHealthConnectInstance() as %Boolean
Checks for HealthShare installation
Checks if current namespace is HealthShare-enabled
Called by %Library.EnsembleMgr
classmethod IsIRISHealthInstance() as %Boolean
This is used at runtime to decide how we are going to audit - locally in the current namespace
(for Foundation), locally in the registry namespace for old configurations, locally in the HSAUDIT
database if either the registry instance is configured for audit or if we have an AuditRepository
configured, or otherwise remotely.
A non primary mirror member can't be the audit instance
classmethod MapComponent(pDB="", pNamespace="", pVerbose=0) as %Status
Add mappings for a Namespace (to a component) ##class(%ZHSLIB.HealthShareMgr).MapComponent("HSPILIB","HSREGISTRY",$g(pVerbose))
classmethod MapZAUTHENTICATE(pHSLib, pVerbose) as %Status
map zauthenticate into HSLIB, but only on new Installs and only for HealthShare (not HealthConnect or IRIS for Health)
classmethod MapZHSLIB(pTargetNamespace=$namespace) as %Status
classmethod MapZHSLIBForAll() as %Status
Will happen on startup as well as when we become primary
classmethod RemoveENSDEMO()
classmethod RemoveMPRLLIB() as %Status
Upgrades for HealthConnect / IRIS for Health
API method for removing an item from the startup table.
- pClass: (required) Class name for startup item to remove.
API method for removing an item from the startup table.
- pClass: (required) Class name for startup item to remove.
classmethod ReportPackageHash(pStream As %Stream.GlobalCharacter = $$$NULLOREF, pPackage As %String = "HS") as %Status
Report class hash information and summarize with a SHA1 hash
classmethod ResetComponent(pDB="", pNamespace="", pVerbose=0) as %Status
Method called when user is trying to clear out patient data, but leave configuration information
classmethod TypeFoundationNamespaces() as %Status
classmethod UnInstallComponent(pDB="", pVerbose=0) as %Status
classmethod UnconfigureComponent(pDB="", pNamespace="", pVerbose=0, pPurgeFiles=0, ByRef pVars) as %Status
Remove mappings for a Namespace (to a component) ##class(%ZHSLIB.HealthShareMgr).UnconfigureComponent("HSPILIB","HSREGISTRY",$g(pVerbose))
classmethod UpdateComponentsVersion()
for HealthConnect and IRISforHealth update the Version information
Helper method to update the CSP application under
that may be created automatically for some Ensemble-enabled namespaces to have a
Session Events class.
The method returns a boolean to indicate whether an update was performed.
This method throws exceptions.
classmethod UpdateSystemWebAppsAutheEnabled() as %Status
For HealthShare, update IRIS web apps for which we want to support delegated
classmethod UpdateXSLTFiles()
classmethod ValidateComponent(pDB="", pVerbose=0) as %Status
classmethod VersionInfo(pMultiLine=0) as %String
Return the version information for the core technology and all components installed
pMultiLine = 1 is used/parsed by %SYSTEM.Version, so we can't change its format
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- ApplySettings()
- CheckUTCIndices()
- CreateEnsembleAuditingEvents()
- CreateEnsembleResources()
- CreateEnsembleRoles()
- CreateNewDBForMetrics()
- CreateNewDBForSecondary()
- DetermineMgmtURLForNamespace()
- DisableNamespace()
- EnableNamespace()
- GetNamespacesByShutdownGroup()
- GetNamespacesByStartupPriority()
- InitializeEnsemble()
- Install()
- InstallEnsembleSecurity()
- IsDICOMInstalled()
- IsEnsembleInstalled()
- IsEnsembleNamespace()
- ListProductionsByAutoStartPriorityClose()
- ListProductionsByAutoStartPriorityExecute()
- ListProductionsByAutoStartPriorityFetch()
- ListProductionsByShutdownGroupClose()
- ListProductionsByShutdownGroupExecute()
- ListProductionsByShutdownGroupFetch()
- MultiEnsembleInstalled()
- OnSystemShutdown()
- OnSystemStartup()
- RemoveLegacyPortal()
- SetAutoStart()
- SetCredential()
- UpdateAndReloadCPF()
- Upgrade()
- UpgradeNamespace()
- UpgradeUTCIndices()
- ValidateEnsemble()
- cleanupOldNamespace()
- configureEnsembleAutoStart()
- convertCSPXSearches()
- createNewDBForEnsTemp()
- createPortalApp()
- defineAuditModifyDefaultSetting()
- defineAuditModifyProductionConfiguration()
- defineAuditModifySchema()
- defineAuditResendMessage()
- defineAuditStartStopProduction()
- defineAuditViewMessageContents()
- deleteMappings()
- deploySearchTables()
- getVersion()
- indexNeedsRepair()
- map2enslib()
- mapClasses2enslib()
- mapGlobals2enslib()
- mapRoutine2enslib()
- modifyInteropEditorsAPIApp()
- unmap2enslib()
- upgradeDashboards()
- upgradeDocClassMap()
- upgradeRules()
- upgradeSearchTables()
- validateNamespace()