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deprecated class %iKnow.Classification.UI.ClassifierBuilder extends %DeepSee.UI.standardPage

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = %iKnow;
Inherited description: Set this to the correct domain.
parameter PAGENAME = Text Classifier Builder;
Inherited description: Name of this page.
parameter RESOURCE = %Development;
Inherited description: All Analytics pages require %DeepSee_Portal USE.


property definitionClass as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "CLASS");
Property methods: definitionClassDisplayToLogical(), definitionClassGet(), definitionClassIsValid(), definitionClassLogicalToDisplay(), definitionClassLogicalToOdbc(), definitionClassNormalize(), definitionClassSet()
property domain as %ZEN.Datatype.integer;
Property methods: domainDisplayToLogical(), domainGet(), domainIsValid(), domainLogicalToDisplay(), domainLogicalToOdbc(), domainNormalize(), domainSet()
property hideAdvanced as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Property methods: hideAdvancedDisplayToLogical(), hideAdvancedGet(), hideAdvancedIsValid(), hideAdvancedLogicalToDisplay(), hideAdvancedLogicalToOdbc(), hideAdvancedLogicalToXSD(), hideAdvancedNormalize(), hideAdvancedSet(), hideAdvancedXSDToLogical()
property optimizerTask as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Property methods: optimizerTaskDisplayToLogical(), optimizerTaskGet(), optimizerTaskIsValid(), optimizerTaskLogicalToDisplay(), optimizerTaskLogicalToOdbc(), optimizerTaskNormalize(), optimizerTaskSet()
property pmml as %ZEN.Datatype.string);
Property methods: pmmlDisplayToLogical(), pmmlGet(), pmmlIsValid(), pmmlLogicalToDisplay(), pmmlLogicalToOdbc(), pmmlNormalize(), pmmlSet()
property trainingSet as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: trainingSetDisplayToLogical(), trainingSetGet(), trainingSetIsValid(), trainingSetLogicalToDisplay(), trainingSetLogicalToOdbc(), trainingSetNormalize(), trainingSetSet()


Builds breadcrumb links
method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Inherited description: Decorate the page.
classmethod %OnFinishBackgroundTask(pTaskID As %String)
Inherited description: This server-side callback method is called whenever the client calls to monitor the current background task and the task is complete. Typically a subclass uses this to send back JavaScript to update the page.
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Returned value is used as leaf of breadcrumb
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Inherited description: Get the (localized) title string for the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
classmethod %OnMonitorBackgroundTask(pTaskID As %String, pStatus As %String, pPercentComplete As %Float)
Inherited description: This server-side callback method is called whenever the client calls to monitor the current background task. Typically a subclass uses this to send back JavaScript to update a progress bar.
classmethod %ShowBackgroundTaskOutput(pTaskID As %String)
method DeleteClassifier() as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method DrawCheckbox(pSeed As %String) as %Status
method DrawOptimizerTerms(pSeed As %String) as %Status
method DrawSelectAllNone(pSeed As %String) as %Status
method ExecuteResultSet(pRS As %Library.ResultSet, ByRef tSC As %Status, pInfo As %ZEN.Auxiliary.QueryInfo) as %Boolean
method Export(pClassname As %String, pOverwrite As %Boolean) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method GenerateRuleSet() as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method LoadDataSourceFields() as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method OnChangeDomain(pDomainId As %Integer) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
called when selNewDomain changes
method OnChangeFilter(pDomainId As %Integer, pField As %String, pSuffix As %String) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method OnDrawRibbon() as %Status
Inherited description: This is called in the middle of rendering the tool ribbon. Subclasses can inject their own content into the ribbon by writing it out in this method. This content is best wrapped within a single td element. It can also consist of multiple td elements.

To achieve a fixed position for elements within the ribbon, for a fixed width page you can use a single enclosing td that contains a table and a single tr, with td elements inside that single tr that contain your content for the ribbon.

To achieve a fixed position for elements within the ribbon, for a page whose width varies depending on its contents (thereby stretching the ribbon) you can use multiple td elements to contain your content and then a final td element that is empty and has width 40% (or so) to push your contents towards the left and keep them in their proper locations.

method OnGetClassifierObject(ByRef Params, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
method OnGetRibbonInfo(Output pDisplay As %Boolean, Output pViewIcons As %List, Output pSortOptions As %List, Output pSearchBox As %Boolean, Output pRibbonTitle As %String, Output pCommands As %List) as %Status
Inherited description: This callback, if implemented returns information used to display the standard ribbon bar.
pDisplay is true if the ribbon should be displayed.
pViewIcons is an array describing "view" buttons to display: pViewIcons(n) = $LB(id,help,icon)
pSortOptions is an array describing "sort" options to display: pSortOptions(n) = $LB(id,caption,help)
pSearch is true if a search box is displayed.
pRibbonTitle is a title to display.
pCommands is an array of command buttons to display: pCommands(n) = $LB(id,caption,help,onclick)
method OnGetTree(pRoot As %String, Output pTree, ByRef pParms) as %Status
method Optimize(pMetric As %String, pSteps As %Integer, pRemoveRatio As %Double) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method OptimizeLoadTerms(pMode As %String, pSpec As %String) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method PopulateTerms(pMetric As %String, pCount As %Integer) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method SetClassname(pClassname As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method SubmitClassifier(pCommand As %String, pProvider As %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider, pSubmitObject As %RegisteredObject, Output pResponseObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
method UpdateSQL(pSQL As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
clientmethod add(string, type, individual) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod addElements(id, type, individual) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod changeDomain(domain) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod changeFilter(domain, field, suffix) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod changeFilterOperator(operator) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod clickTreeNode(tree) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdBuild() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdDelete() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdEditDataSource() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdExport() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdNew() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdOpen() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdOptimize() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdSave() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cmdTest() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod confirmLeave() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod createClassifier() [ Language = javascript ]
called when btnNewCreate is clicked
clientmethod dragTreeNode(tree, dragData) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod drawConnector(svg, fromNode, toNode) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod dropRule(ruleIndex) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editFallback(ruleIndex) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editPredicate(end) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editPredicateAdd() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editPredicateDrop() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editRule(category, score=1, fallback=0) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editTerm() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod explore(id, string) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod exploreDelayed(id, string) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod exploreNext(id, shift) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod exploreSQL(sql) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod exploreTop(metric) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod generateRuleNodes(svg, pred, level, x, predicateId) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getPageTitle() as %String [ Language = javascript ]
Get the title string to add to the locator row. This should be implemented in a subclass.
clientmethod getPredicateForId(model, predId) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getStringForTerm(model, termIndex) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Subclass need to include the case "switchNamespace" if it is enabling "Switch" next to namespace.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod onunloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Check if user really wants to exit if they have not saved changes
clientmethod refresh() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod refreshButtons() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod removeTerm(termPos) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod renderRule(ruleIndex) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod saveAs(classname) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod selectAllTerms(type) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod selectNoTerms(type) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod selectPredicateType(predicate, type) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod showEditPredicate(predId, show) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod showEditRule(ruleIndex) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod showEditTerm() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod startOptimizer() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod toggleAdvancedMode(hide) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod toggleElement(id, value) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateBackgroundInfo(label, show) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateClassifier() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateMethod(method) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateModelProp(prop, value) [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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