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serial class SYS.History.SystemUsage extends %Library.SerialObject

A list of System Usage properties for the SysData interval collection class.

For details, see History Monitor.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Alerts as %Numeric;
Serious alert count, taken from %Monitor.System.Dashboard1 class
Property methods: AlertsDisplayToLogical(), AlertsGet(), AlertsIsValid(), AlertsLogicalToDisplay(), AlertsNormalize(), AlertsSet()
property AppErrors as %Numeric;
Application error count, taken from %Monitor.System.Dashboard2 class
Property methods: AppErrorsDisplayToLogical(), AppErrorsGet(), AppErrorsIsValid(), AppErrorsLogicalToDisplay(), AppErrorsNormalize(), AppErrorsSet()
property CPUIOwait as %Numeric;
Percentage of system CPU(s) time in io_wait mode.
Property methods: CPUIOwaitDisplayToLogical(), CPUIOwaitGet(), CPUIOwaitIsValid(), CPUIOwaitLogicalToDisplay(), CPUIOwaitNormalize(), CPUIOwaitSet()
property CPUIdle as %Numeric;
Percentage of system CPU(s) time idle.
Property methods: CPUIdleDisplayToLogical(), CPUIdleGet(), CPUIdleIsValid(), CPUIdleLogicalToDisplay(), CPUIdleNormalize(), CPUIdleSet()
property CPUKernel as %Numeric;
Percentage of system CPU(s) time in kernel mode.
Property methods: CPUKernelDisplayToLogical(), CPUKernelGet(), CPUKernelIsValid(), CPUKernelLogicalToDisplay(), CPUKernelNormalize(), CPUKernelSet()
property CPUUser as %Numeric;
Percentage of system CPU(s) time in user mode.
Property methods: CPUUserDisplayToLogical(), CPUUserGet(), CPUUserIsValid(), CPUUserLogicalToDisplay(), CPUUserNormalize(), CPUUserSet()
property CSPSession as %Numeric;
Count of CSP Sessions
Property methods: CSPSessionDisplayToLogical(), CSPSessionGet(), CSPSessionIsValid(), CSPSessionLogicalToDisplay(), CSPSessionNormalize(), CSPSessionSet()
property ECPResponse as %Numeric;
ECP Response time
Property methods: ECPResponseDisplayToLogical(), ECPResponseGet(), ECPResponseIsValid(), ECPResponseLogicalToDisplay(), ECPResponseNormalize(), ECPResponseSet()
property GlobalBuffers as %List;
A list of the top 10 globals in the buffer pool. Each entry in the list is GlobalName,Database,Percent.
Property methods: GlobalBuffersGet(), GlobalBuffersIsValid(), GlobalBuffersLogicalToOdbc(), GlobalBuffersOdbcToLogical(), GlobalBuffersSet()
property JrnFiles as %Numeric;
Number of Journal files
Property methods: JrnFilesDisplayToLogical(), JrnFilesGet(), JrnFilesIsValid(), JrnFilesLogicalToDisplay(), JrnFilesNormalize(), JrnFilesSet()
property JrnSize as %Numeric;
Total size of Journal files (in MB)
Property methods: JrnSizeDisplayToLogical(), JrnSizeGet(), JrnSizeIsValid(), JrnSizeLogicalToDisplay(), JrnSizeNormalize(), JrnSizeSet()
property LicUsedDist as %Numeric;
License count currently used (distributed)
Property methods: LicUsedDistDisplayToLogical(), LicUsedDistGet(), LicUsedDistIsValid(), LicUsedDistLogicalToDisplay(), LicUsedDistNormalize(), LicUsedDistSet()
property LicUsedLocal as %Numeric;
License count currently used (local)
Property methods: LicUsedLocalDisplayToLogical(), LicUsedLocalGet(), LicUsedLocalIsValid(), LicUsedLocalLogicalToDisplay(), LicUsedLocalNormalize(), LicUsedLocalSet()
property Processes as %Numeric;
Process count
Property methods: ProcessesDisplayToLogical(), ProcessesGet(), ProcessesIsValid(), ProcessesLogicalToDisplay(), ProcessesNormalize(), ProcessesSet()


classmethod SetSummary(ByRef Function As %String, Period As %String) as %Status
Configure the summary methods for this class for either the Hourly or Daily summaries. This is a comma-delimited list of functions to use for the summary. The available functions are Average, Maximum (high-water mark), Minimum (lowest value), Standard Deviation, Median, and Total. These are abbreviated in the 'Function' argument as "Avg", "Max", "Min", StDev", Med", and "Tot". If nothing is specified, the default is "Avg,Max,StDev". You may also specify the string "None" for a summary period to disable that summary.

A null 'Function' argument will return the current summary setting in the 'Function' variable.

The 'Period' argument can be either "Hourly" or "Daily".

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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