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class CSPX.EnsDTLWizard extends %CSP.Page

Popup wizard used by DTL Editor. This is a modal window displayed by the Studio DTL editor. When launched it is passed a set of URL parameters:

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
Use our own domain for localization


classmethod %DrawMethodDescription(pClass As %String, pMethod As %String)
Write out description of the given method as HTML.
classmethod ActionEditor(pType As %String, pData As %String, pLang As %String)
Display HTML for Action editor
classmethod ActionList(pType As %String, pData As %String, pLang As %String)
Display HTML for action list window
classmethod BuildTestMessage(pMsgNo As %Integer, pTransform As %String, pData As %String)
Called from client to assemble test message (work-around for size limit!)
classmethod CreateInputObject(pInputClass As %String = "", pData As %String = "", Output pSC As %Status) as %RegisteredObject
Create an input message for testing.
classmethod DisplayOutput(tObject As %RegisteredObject)
Send HTML back to client to display output object
classmethod FunctionWindow(pType As %String, pData As %String, pLang As %String)
Display HTML for function window
classmethod GetFunctionHTML(pFunc As %String, pSelection As %String)
classmethod GetFunctionInfo(pFunc As %String, pSelection As %String = "")
Send details on given function to client.
classmethod OnPage() as %Status
Inherited description: Event handler for PAGE event: this is invoked in order to generate the content of a csp page.
classmethod RunTest(pInputClass As %String = "", pTransform As %String = "")
Called from client to run the DTL test.
classmethod TestWindow(pType As %String, pData As %String, pLang As %String)
Display HTML for test window

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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