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persistent class Ens.BP.Context extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: Ens_BP.Context

This holds the (generated) properties defined by the BPL

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


Prevent the XML Type and Name of classes derived from this class from interfering with one another if they have the same short classname.
parameter XMLTYPE = BP_Context;
Prevent this class from having the same default XML Type and Name as any of its subclasses that have the short classname "Context".


property %Context as Ens.BP.Context (XMLPROJECTION = "none") [ Calculated ];
This holds the reference to the context object
property %LastError as %Status [ InitialExpression = $$$OK ];
This holds last exception
Property methods: %LastErrorGet(), %LastErrorGetStored(), %LastErrorIsValid(), %LastErrorLogicalToOdbc(), %LastErrorLogicalToXSD(), %LastErrorSet(), %LastErrorXSDToLogical()
property %LastFault as %String);
This holds the last thrown fault
Property methods: %LastFaultDisplayToLogical(), %LastFaultGet(), %LastFaultGetStored(), %LastFaultIsValid(), %LastFaultLogicalToDisplay(), %LastFaultLogicalToOdbc(), %LastFaultNormalize(), %LastFaultSet()
property %Process as Ens.BusinessProcess (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
This holds the reference to the process object
Property methods: %ProcessGet(), %ProcessGetObject(), %ProcessGetObjectId(), %ProcessGetStored(), %ProcessGetSwizzled(), %ProcessIsValid(), %ProcessNewObject(), %ProcessSet(), %ProcessSetObject(), %ProcessSetObjectId(), %ProcessUnSwizzle()
property %ResponseHandlers as array of %String (XMLPROJECTION = "none") [ SqlFieldName = _ResponseHandlers ];
This holds the registered ResponseHandlers
Property methods: %ResponseHandlersBuildValueArray(), %ResponseHandlersCollectionToDisplay(), %ResponseHandlersCollectionToOdbc(), %ResponseHandlersDisplayToCollection(), %ResponseHandlersDisplayToLogical(), %ResponseHandlersGet(), %ResponseHandlersGetObject(), %ResponseHandlersGetObjectId(), %ResponseHandlersGetStored(), %ResponseHandlersGetSwizzled(), %ResponseHandlersIsValid(), %ResponseHandlersLogicalToDisplay(), %ResponseHandlersLogicalToOdbc(), %ResponseHandlersNormalize(), %ResponseHandlersOdbcToCollection(), %ResponseHandlersSet(), %ResponseHandlersSetObject(), %ResponseHandlersSetObjectId()


method %ContextGet() as Ens.BP.Context
Accessor for the %Context property
method %GetContentType() as %String
This method is called by the Management Portal to determine the content type that will be returned by the %ShowContents() method. The return value is a string containing an HTTP content type.
method %ShowContents(pZenOutput As %Boolean = 0)
This method is called by the Management Portal to display a message-specific content viewer.
This method displays its content by writing out to the current device. The content should match the type returned by the %GetContentType() method.
method %ShowContentsHead(pZenOutput As %Boolean = 0)
This method is called by the Management Portal to display a portion of the HEAD section of a message-specific content viewer.
method EnterActivity(pActivity As %Integer, pSubActivity As %Integer, pActivityID As %Integer)
This is invoked when a thread enters an activity
method LeaveActivity(pActivity As %Integer, pSubActivity As %Integer, pActivityID As %Integer)
This is invoked when a thread leaves an activity
method SetResponseHandler(pResponseHandlerName As %String, pCompletionKey As %String) as %Status
This method updates the Response Handlers collection by adding a new Response Handler name


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (Ens.BP.Context)


Storage Model: Storage (Ens.BP.Context)



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