persistent class Ens.Config.SearchTableProp extends %Library.Persistent, Ens.Config.SearchTablePropAttrs
SQL Table Name: Ens_Config.SearchTableProp
Persistent SearchTable Property specifier object, stored for use in generating SearchTable code and queriesProperty Inventory
Method Inventory
parameter XMLIGNORENULL = 1;
parameter XMLNAME = Property;
property ClassDerivation as %String (MAXLEN = 1011, XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Full inheritance path for the class defining this property, down to Ens.VDoc.SearchTable
This is used to identify which particular SearchTable subclass defined a particular property
Property methods: ClassDerivationDisplayToLogical(), ClassDerivationGet(), ClassDerivationGetStored(), ClassDerivationIsValid(), ClassDerivationLogicalToDisplay(), ClassDerivationLogicalToOdbc(), ClassDerivationNormalize(), ClassDerivationSet()
property ClassExtent as %String (MAXLEN = 128, XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ Required ];
Base class for the database extent of the class defining this property
Property methods: ClassExtentDisplayToLogical(), ClassExtentGet(), ClassExtentGetStored(), ClassExtentIsValid(), ClassExtentLogicalToDisplay(), ClassExtentLogicalToOdbc(), ClassExtentNormalize(), ClassExtentSet()
property IsImplicit as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Was this property created by an explicit SearchTable property declaration or just by being referenced in a SearchTable item
Property methods: IsImplicitDisplayToLogical(), IsImplicitGet(), IsImplicitGetStored(), IsImplicitIsValid(), IsImplicitLogicalToDisplay(), IsImplicitNormalize(), IsImplicitSet()
property Name as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property PropId as %Integer (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Id of the property definition within its SearchTable class extent
Storing the PropId instead of the property Name saves storage space in the SearchTable
Property methods: PropIdDisplayToLogical(), PropIdGet(), PropIdGetStored(), PropIdIsValid(), PropIdLogicalToDisplay(), PropIdNormalize(), PropIdSet()
property SourceClass as %String [ Calculated , Transient ];
Name of class from which this property is derived
Property methods: SourceClassDisplayToLogical(), SourceClassIsValid(), SourceClassLogicalToDisplay(), SourceClassLogicalToOdbc(), SourceClassNormalize()
method SourceClassGet() as %String
classmethod UpdateOrCreate(pTemplate As Ens.Config.SearchTableProp, Output pProp As Ens.Config.SearchTableProp, pClassExtent As %String, pLockTimeout As %Numeric = 5) as %Status
index (indexClassProp on ClassExtent,Name) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: indexClassPropCheck(), indexClassPropDelete(), indexClassPropExists(), indexClassPropOpen(), indexClassPropSQLCheckUnique(), indexClassPropSQLExists(), indexClassPropSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), indexClassPropSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (indexPropId on PropId);
Index methods: indexPropIdExists()
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
Inherited Methods
- %%CLASSNAMELogicalToStorage()
- %%CLASSNAMEStorageToLogical()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %AddToSyncSet()
- %BMEBuilt()
- %BuildIndicesAsync()
- %BuildIndicesAsyncResponse()
- %CheckConstraints()
- %CheckConstraintsForExtent()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ComposeOid()
- %ConstructClone()
- %Delete()
- %DeleteExtent()
- %DeleteId()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Exists()
- %ExistsId()
- %Extends()
- %GUID()
- %GUIDSet()
- %GetLock()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetSwizzleObject()
- %Id()
- %InitExtentData()
- %InsertBatch()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %IsNull()
- %KillExtent()
- %KillExtentData()
- %LoadFromMemory()
- %LockExtent()
- %LockId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectIsNull()
- %ObjectModified()
- %Oid()
- %OnBeforeAddToSync()
- %OnDeleteFinally()
- %OnDetermineClass()
- %OnOpenFinally()
- %OnSaveFinally()
- %Open()
- %OpenId()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %PhysicalAddress()
- %PurgeIndices()
- %Reload()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %ResolveConcurrencyConflict()
- %RollBack()
- %Save()
- %SaveDirect()
- %SaveIndices()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %SortBegin()
- %SortEnd()
- %SyncObjectIn()
- %SyncTransport()
- %UnlockExtent()
- %UnlockId()
- %ValidateIndices()
- %ValidateObject()
- %ValidateTable()
Storage Model: Storage (Ens.Config.SearchTableProp)
^Ens.Config.SearchTablePropD(ID) |