class Ens.Util.Auditing
Method Inventory
- AuditModifyDefaultSetting()
- AuditModifyProductionConfig()
- AuditModifySchema()
- AuditResendMessage()
- AuditStartStopProduction()
- AuditViewMessage()
- GetMessageContents()
- addToEventData()
parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
classmethod AuditModifyDefaultSetting(pId As %String, pEventData As %String, pAction As %String) as %Status
Generates an audit event for modifications made to a System Default Setting.
The first argument is the Id of the Default Setting, or the Production name if the action is "DELETE ALL".
The second argument is an array of the modified fields.
The third argument is action: "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE" or "DELETE ALL".
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$AuditModifyDefaultSetting(%id, .%fields, %action)
classmethod AuditModifyProductionConfig(pProduction As %String = "", pItem As %String = "", ByRef pActions As %String) as %Status
Generates an audit event for modifications made to a Production configuration.
The first argument is the Production class.
The second argument is the configuration item name.
The third argument is a string and/or an array of actions.
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$auditStartStopProduction(%prod, %item, .%actions)
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$auditStartStopProduction(%prod, %item, .%actions)
Generates an audit event for modifications made to a Schema.
The first argument is the Schema name.
The second argument is a string and/or an array of actions.
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$auditStartStopProduction(%schema, .%actions)
Generates an audit event for resending a message.
The first argument is the message header ID. The message body class and message body ID
will be pulled from the message header.
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$auditResendMessage(%headerId)
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$auditResendMessage(%headerId)
classmethod AuditStartStopProduction(pProduction As %String = "", pAction As %String = "") as %Status
Generates an audit event for starting or stopping a Production.
The first argument is the Production class.
The second argument is the action which can be either "start" or "stop".
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$auditStartStopProduction(%prod, "start" | "stop")
classmethod AuditViewMessage(pSource As %String = "", pHeaderId As %String = "", pBodyClass As %String = "", pBodyId As %String = "") as %Status
Generates an audit event for viewing the contents of a message.
The first argument is the source for this event, that is, where the message was viewed from.
Source may be for example "EDI/HL7 Manager" or "Message Browser".
The second argument is the message header ID (if the viewing is via Header Id).
If the message body class and message body ID are known they can be passed as the third and fourth arguments,
otherwise this information is pulled from the message header if it is passed in otherwise an error is returned.
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$auditViewMessage([%source], %headerId [,%bodyClass, %bodyId])
How to use: [Set status = ] $$$auditViewMessage([%source], %headerId [,%bodyClass, %bodyId])
classmethod GetMessageContents(pMsgClass As %String, pMsgId As %String, Output pMsgData As %String) as %Status
For a given message body class and ID, return the first 10K of message body data and the
message description composed of the message header id plus the message body class and id).