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class HS.UI.Application extends %ZEN.Portal.Application

This is the base class for HealthShare UI. Used by Forms and Installer under UI.

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATIONNAME = HealthShare UI;
This is the name of this application.
parameter DOMAIN = HS;
Domain used for localization.
parameter HOMEPAGE = /csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen;
URL of home page (used in links).


classmethod %DrawSmallMenu(ByRef pMenu As %String, ByRef pLocatorMenu As %String)
Overridden from super class
method %OnGetSmallMenu(pSourcePage As %Boolean = 0, pManageEnsemble As %Boolean = 0, Output pMenu, pShowHSHelp As %Boolean = 1)
Get the contents of the small menu in the title area.
method DrawCopyright(p As %String) as %Status
method DrawHSTitle(pTitle, pSourcePage As %String = "", pManageEnsemble As %Boolean = 0, pShowInfo As %Boolean = 1, pShowAccount As %Boolean = 1, pShowSmallMenu As %Boolean = 1, pShowHSHelp As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Draw the HTML contents of the title area for portal pages.
method DrawStandardTitle(pTitle, pSourcePage As %String = "", pManageEnsemble As %Boolean = 0, pShowInfo As %Boolean = 1, pShowAccount As %Boolean = 1, pShowSmallMenu As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
prepare necessary arrays for calling SMP's standard header method
method DrawTitle(pTitle As %String, pShowLogout As %Boolean = 1, pShowInfo As %Boolean = 1, pShowAccount As %Boolean = 1, pShowHSHelp As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
If pSeed is null, then no title and help link will be shown
classmethod GetHealthShareArray(Output pData) as %Status
This will only be used in 2011.1+. Added per Yan Provide finder contents for the HealthShare pages. Called from %CSP.Portal.Home.
method GetPatientSearchClass() as %String
Subclass can implement this method to return their own search class for HS.Viewer.PatientSearch
method GetSearchClass() as %String
Subclass can implement this method to return their own search class for HS.Viewer.DefaultSearch
classmethod IsHSSYSMirrored() as %Boolean
method OldDrawTitle(pSeed As %String, pShowLogout As %Boolean = 1, pShowInfo As %Boolean = 1, pShowAccount As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
kept for reference for upgrading customers
classmethod OnPreHTTP() as %Boolean
Inherited description: Event handler for PreHTTP event: this is invoked before the HTTP headers for a CSP page have been sent. All changes to the %CSP.Response class, such as adding cookies, HTTP headers, setting the content type etc. must be made from within the OnPreHTTP() method. Also changes to the state of the CSP application such as changing %session.EndSession or %session.AppTimeout must be made within the OnPreHTTP() method. It is prefered that changes to %session.Preserve are also made in the OnPreHTTP() method as this is more efficient, although it is supported in any section of the page. Return 0 to prevent OnPage() from being called.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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