abstract class %pkg.isc.rest.model.iSerializable
Interface for JSON-serializable/deserializable objects.Method Inventory
parameter MEDIATYPE = application/json;
abstract method JSONExport() as %Status
Serialize a JSON enabled class as a JSON document and write it to the current device.
abstract method JSONExportToStream(ByRef export As %Stream.Object) as %Status
Serialize a JSON enabled class as a JSON document and write it to a stream.
Serialize a JSON enabled class as a JSON document and return it as a string.
abstract method JSONImport(input) as %Status
JSONImport imports JSON or dynamic object input into this object.
The input argument is either JSON as a string or stream, or a subclass of %DynamicAbstractObject.
The input argument is either JSON as a string or stream, or a subclass of %DynamicAbstractObject.